Title Page
Abstract 10
Chapter 1. Introduction 12
Chapter 2. Literature Review 17
2.1. Visual Sentiment Analysis 17
2.2. Employing Dimensional Emotion 19
2.3. Art Emotion Dataset 21
Chapter 3. D-ViSA 24
3.1. Data Collection and Annotation 24
3.2. Data Validation 26
3.3. Descriptive Statistics of Datasets 29
Chapter 4. Experiments 32
4.1. Detecting Emotions Evoked by Art 32
4.1.1. Single-feature Dimensional Emotion Detection 33
4.1.2. Multi-feature Dimensional Emotion Detection 34
4.2. Experimental Settings 34
4.3. Evaluation Metrics 36
4.4. Baseline Models 36
Chapter 5. Results 39
Chapter 6. Scalability Evaluation 42
Chapter 7. Discussion & Conclusion 44
References 47
초록 59
Table 3.1. Overall statistics of each emotion category 29
Table 5.1. The overall performance of single-feature regression and multi-feature regression models on D-ViSA. Pearson's correlation coefficients were derived to evaluate the performance. 39
Figure 1.1. Examples with images and their corresponding categorical emotions and VAD levels 13
Figure 3.1. Summary of the annotation procedures (VAD levels) 28
Figure 3.2. Pearson's correlation coefficients among VAD levels 30
Figure 3.3. Pearson's correlation coefficients of mean VAD levels between eight emotion categories 31
Figure 4.1. Single-feature regression model framework 33
Figure 4.2. Multi-feature regression model framework 35
Figure 5.1. Sample images and predicted VAD levels of multi-feature PDANet model. 40
Figure 6.1. Performance comparison of prior single-feature baseline models on D-ViSA and those pre-trained models tested on MART dataset 43