Title Page
Abstract 10
Ⅰ. Introduction 12
Ⅱ. Bluetooth Low Energy Advertising System 15
2.1. Operation Scenario of BLE Advertising System 15
2.2. Requirements of BLE Advertising System 17
2.3. Design Specification of BLE Advertising Transceiver 18
2.3.1. Design Specification of BLE Advertising Transceiver 18
2.3.2. Operation Scenario of BLE Advertising Transceiver 20
2.4. Conventional Transceiver Modulation Architecture 21
2.4.1. One-point Modulation 21
2.4.3. Two-point Modulation 24
Ⅲ. Proposed System Architecture 27
Ⅳ. Building Blocks 30
4.1. Analog PLL with Open-Loop Modulation 30
4.1.1. Charge Pump 31
4.1.2. Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 35
4.1.3. Fractional Divider with Delta-Sigma Modulator 37
4.1.4. Loop Filter for Open-Loop Modulation 41
4.1.5. Analog PLL with Open-Loop Modulation 44
4.2. DA with Smooth Ramping 49
4.2.1. Output Spectrum Emission Mask Analyze 49
4.2.2. Driver Amplifier with Smooth Ramping 53
Ⅴ. Experimental Results 56
Ⅵ. Conclusion 67
References 68
논문요약 72
Table 2.1. BLE advertising standard 17
Table 2.2. BLE advertising transceiver design specification 19
Table 5.1. Comparison of performance to prior works 66
Fig. 2.1. Operation scenario of an advertising event. 15
Fig. 2.2. Operation scenario of a BLE advertising system. 16
Fig. 2.3. Operation scenario of a BLE advertising transceiver. 20
Fig. 2.4. PLL phase-domain model with one-point modulation. 21
Fig. 2.5. Gain curve of modulation path in one-point modulation. 23
Fig. 2.6. PLL phase-domain model with two-point modulation. 24
Fig. 2.7. Gain curve of modulation path in two-point modulation. 26
Fig. 3.1. Top block diagram of the proposed transmitter. 27
Fig. 4.1. Block diagram of the proposed transmitter. 30
Fig. 4.2. Schematic of conventional CP. 32
Fig. 4.3. Schematic of proposed CP. 33
Fig. 4.4. CP output current depending on VCP voltage (a) conventional CP (b) proposed CP. 34
Fig. 4.5. Schematic of VCO. 35
Fig. 4.6. (a) Schematic of coarse cap bank, (b) schematic of fine cap bank, and (c) layout of fine cap bank. 36
Fig. 4.7. Block diagram of fractional divider. 37
Fig. 4.8. Power spectral density of the output of MASH 1-1-1. 39
Fig. 4.9. Phase-domain model of an analog PLL including fractional noise. 40
Fig. 4.10. Phase noise of an analog PLL (a) prescaler division ratio is 1, (b) prescaler division ratio is 2. 41
Fig. 4.11. Schematic of the loop filter for open-loop modulation (a) closed-loop mode, (b) open-loop mode. 42
Fig. 4.12. Simulation results of open-loop operation of the loop filter. 43
Fig. 4.13. Phase-domain model of an analog PLL in closed-loop mode. 44
Fig. 4.14. Phase-domain model of an analog PLL in open-loop mode. 45
Fig. 4.15. Timing diagram of the calibration process. 47
Fig. 4.16. Comparison waveforms of DA output when it increases rapidly and smoothly (a) transient waveform, (b) frequency spectrum. 50
Fig. 4.17. Comparison waveforms of DA output when it increases rapidly and in a step-like manner (a) transient waveform, (b) frequency spectrum. 51
Fig. 4.18. Waveform of the sum of trigonometric functions with integer multiples of frequency. 52
Fig. 4.19. Comparison waveforms of DA output when it increases rapidly and with a constant slope (a) transient waveform, (b) frequency spectrum. 53
Fig. 4.20. Block diagram of the proposed smooth ramping DA. 54
Fig. 4.21. Schematic of the smooth pen controller. 55
Fig. 4.22. Timing diagram of the proposed smooth ramping DA. 55
Fig. 5.1. Chip microphotograph of the proposed BLE advertising transmitter. 56
Fig. 5.2. Measurement board of BLE advertising transmitter. 57
Fig. 5.3. Measurement results of the phase noise. 58
Fig. 5.4. Simulation results of the power consumption. 59
Fig. 5.5. Measurement results of the current consumption. 59
Fig. 5.6. Measured BLE advertising packet transmitted in open-loop mode. 60
Fig. 5.7. Measurement results of frequency offset calibration (a) before calibration, (b) after calibration. 61
Fig. 5.8. Measured DA output waveform with smooth pen controller (a) turned off, (b) turned on. 62
Fig. 5.9. Measured DA output frequency spectrum with smooth pen controller (a) turned off, (b) turned on. 63
Fig. 5.10. Measured DA output frequency spectrum at 2480 MHz. 64
Fig. 5.11. Measurement results of receiving the BLE advertising data. 65