Title Page
Abstract 14
1. Introduction 16
2. Related Works 24
2.1. Skin Surface-Related Biosignals Measurement 30
1) Contact devices based Skin surface-Related Biosignals Measurement 30
2) Non-Contact Skin surface-Related Biosignals Measurement 31
2.2. Cardiovascular-Related Biosignals Measurement 34
1) Contact devices based Cardiovascular-Related Biosignals Measurement 35
2) Non-Contact Cardiovascular-Related Biosignals Measurement 40
2.3. Respiratory-Related Biosignals Measurement 46
1) Contact devices based Respiratory-Related Biosignals Measurement 46
2) Non-Contact Respiratory-Related Biosignals Measurement 51
2.4. Mental-Related Biosignals Measurement 55
1) Contact devices based Mental-Related Biosignals Measurement 55
2) Non-Contact Mental-Related Biosignals Measurement 59
3. Pre-processing for Biosignal Measurement 62
3.1. Face Detection Stabilization 62
3.2. Optimal ROI Determination 68
3.3. Color System Conversion 70
4. Biosignal Measurement and Diagnosis using Facial Skin Images 74
4.1. Skin Surface Biosignal Measurement and Diagnosis 82
4.1.1. Skin Moisture Measurement Method 82
4.1.2. Skin Oil Measurement Method 83
4.1.3. Skin pH Measurement Method 84
4.1.4. Skin Temperature Measurement Method 85
4.1.5. Body Temperature Measurement Method 87
4.1.6. Skin Surface Biosignal Diagnosis 88
4.2. Cardiovascular Biosignal Measurement and Diagnosis 89
4.2.1. Pulse wave Extraction Method 90
4.2.2. Pulse Rate Measurement Method 94
4.2.3. Deep Learning based Pulse Rate Measurement Method 96
4.2.4. Blood Pressure Measurement Method 97
4.2.5. Paradoxical Pulse Measurement Method 106
4.2.6. Blood Volume Measurement Method 108
4.2.7. Hemoglobin Measurement Method 109
4.2.8. Blood Glucose Measurement Method 111
4.2.9. Blood Viscosity Measurement Method 113
4.2.10. Cardiovascular Biosignal Diagnosis 114
4.3. Respiratory Biosignal Measurement and Diagnosis 116
4.3.1. Respiratory signal Extraction Method 116
4.3.2. Respiration rate Measurement Method 119
4.3.3. Lung Function Measurement Method 121
4.3.4. Oxygen Saturation Measurement Method 126
4.3.5. Respiratory Biosignal Diagnosis 128
4.4. Mental Biosignal Measurement and Diagnosis 129
4.4.1. Stress Index Measurement Method 130
4.4.2. Depression disorder Index Measurement Method 136
4.4.3. Dementia Index Measurement Method 140
4.4.4. Mental Biosignal Diagnosis 141
5. Experiments and Implementations 142
5.1. Skin Surface Biosignal Measurement Experiment 143
5.1.1. Experimental results of Skin Moisture/Oil/pH Measurement 143
5.1.2. Experimental results of Skin Temperature Measurement 143
5.1.3. Experimental results of Body Temperature Measurement 144
5.2. Cardiovascular Biosignal Measurement Experiment 145
5.2.1. Experimental results of Pulse rate 145
5.2.2. Experimental results of Pulse rate using CNN & RNN 152
5.2.3. Experimental results of Blood pressure 153
5.2.4. Experimental results of Paradoxical pulse 158
5.2.5. Experimental results of Blood volume 158
5.2.6. Experimental results of Hemoglobin 159
5.2.7. Experimental results of Blood glucose 160
5.2.8. Experimental results of Blood viscosity 162
5.3. Respiratory Biosignal Measurement Experiment 163
5.3.1. Experimental results of Respiration rate 163
5.3.2. Experimental results of Lung function 168
5.3.3. Experimental results of Oxygen saturation 171
5.4. Mental Biosignal Measurement Experiment 172
5.4.1. Experimental results of Stress Index 172
5.4.2. Experimental results of Depression Index 178
5.4.3. Experimental results of Dementia 183
5.5. Integrated-Biosignal Measurement Application 185
6. Conclusions 188
References 193
논문요약 215
Table 1. Summary of BioSignal Measurement Methods 75
Table 2. Regression Formula of Skin moisture 83
Table 3. Regression Formula of Skin oil 84
Table 4. Regression Formula of Skin pH 85
Table 5. Regression Formula of Skin temperature 86
Table 6. Regression Formula of Body temperature 88
Table 7. Skin moisture/oil/pH Diagnosis 89
Table 8. Body Temperature Diagnosis 89
Table 9. Blood volume measurement formula 109
Table 10. Regression Formula of Hemoglobin before and after meal 110
Table 11. Regression Formula of fasting(or postprandial) Blood glucose 112
Table 12. Cardiovascular Diagnosis 115
Table 13. Regression Formula of FEV and PEF (Blow) 124
Table 14. Regression Formula of FEV, FVC and PEF (Non-blow) 126
Table 15. Respiratory Diagnosis 128
Table 16. Average of LF Activity by age 132
Table 17. Pulse-based Stress Index Measurement Formula 134
Table 18. Respiratory-based Stress Index Measurement Formula 135
Table 19. Activity-based Stress Index Measurement Formula 136
Table 20. Activity-based Depression Index Measurement Formula 139
Table 21. The dementia-related frequency band 140
Table 22. Mental Diagnosis 141
Table 23. MAPE (%) of skin moisture/oil/pH 143
Table 24. MAPE (%) rate for each measurement area 144
Table 25. MAPE (%) for body temperature of skin temperature and biosignal 145
Table 26. Comparative results of the FPR on stable and unstable datasets 147
Table 27. Comparative results of the FPR on indoor dataset 149
Table 28. Comparative results of the FPR on external dataset 150
Table 29. MAPE (%) of the short-time FPR on indoor dataset 151
Table 30. MAPE (%) of the FPR according to distance 152
Table 31. Six areas of ROI 152
Table 32. Pulse rate measurement result (using CNN & RNN) 153
Table 33. Comparative results of SBP and DBP on stable and original ROI 155
Table 34. Comparative results of BP on internal dataset 157
Table 35. Comparative results of BP on external dataset 157
Table 36. MAPE (%) of gradient and blood volume 159
Table 37. MAPE (%) of hemoglobin by color data 160
Table 38. MAPE (%), MAE of blood glucose 161
Table 39. MAPE (%) of spring constant K and blood viscosity 162
Table 40. Comparative results of FRR on stable and unstable dataset 164
Table 41. Comparative results of the FRR on indoor dataset 166
Table 42. Comparative results of the FRR and other FRR on external dataset 167
Table 43. MAPE (%) of the short-time FRR on indoor dataset 168
Table 44. MAPE (%) of the lung function (Blow) 169
Table 45. MAPE (%) of the lung function (Non-blow) 170
Table 46. Average of MAPE (%) about Blow and Non-blow 171
Table 47. Comparative results of the SpO₂ 171
Table 48. Comparative results of the pulse wave-based pSI, sSI and SI 172
Table 49. Comparative results of the respiratory signal-based pSI, sSI and SI 173
Table 50. Comparative results of frontal Lobe features-based pSI, sSI and SI 174
Table 51. Classification results of Stress levels 175
Table 52. Classification Accuracy for Each Segment of Stress levels 175
Table 53. Classification Accuracy Result of Stress levels 176
Table 54. Weighted Average between Right Frontal Lobe and Respiratory Signal based Classification Accuracy for Each Segment of Stress levels 177
Table 55. Weighted Average between Right Frontal Lobe and Respiratory Signal based Classification Accuracy Result of Stress levels 177
Table 56. Classification Accuracy Results for Each Segment and All Stress Levels Using Weighted Average 178
Table 57. Comparative results of the Depression Index 178
Table 58. Comparative results of frontal Lobe features-based DDI 179
Table 59. Classification results of Depression levels 180
Table 60. Classification Accuracy for Each Segment of Depression levels 180
Table 61. Classification Accuracy Result of Depression levels 181
Table 62. Weighted Average between Right and Left Frontal Lobe based Classification Accuracy for Each Segment of Depression levels 182
Table 63. Weighted Average between Right and Left Frontal Lobe based Classification Accuracy Result of Depression levels 182
Table 64. Classification Accuracy Results for Each Segment and All Depression using Weighted Average 183
Table 65. Comparison of ISO Certification Criteria with Facial Skin Image-Based Biosignal Measurement Results 189
Fig. 1. Contact Devices-based Biosignal Measurement 25
Fig. 2. Different types of wearable devices 26
Fig. 3. Evolution of smart-phones over time 27
Fig. 4. Paradigm Transformation with the Development of Digital Video 28
Fig. 5. Biosignal Measurement Process Using Color Data of Facial and Parm skin Region of Interest (ROI) 29
Fig. 6. Examples of Wood's Lamp Usage 32
Fig. 7. Skin temperature measurement of the anterior body using Infrared Thermal Camera 33
Fig. 8. Block diagram of PPG device operation (a) A transimpedance amplifier stage that converts light intensity to an amplifier output voltage and (b) The... 36
Fig. 9. PPG signal containing Asystole event 38
Fig. 10. Pulse arrival time (PAT) and pulse transit time (PTT) 39
Fig. 11. Flowchart of the Pulse wave extraction and Pulse Rate measurement using the facial images based on ICA 41
Fig. 12. General contactless bio-signal measurement environment 42
Fig. 13. Participant posture and position of sensors to collect BP DB 44
Fig. 14. Overview of measurement of PTT and iPTT ((a) Contact method, (b) Non-contact method) 45
Fig. 15. Comparison of feature-based (red) and filter-based (green) techniques for extraction of exemplary respiratory signals during Inhalation and Exhalation 48
Fig. 16. Absorption spectra of hemoglobin 49
Fig. 17. Flowchart of the Respiratory signal extraction and Respiration Rate measurement using RGB color data of the facial images 52
Fig. 18. Flowchart of the Respiratory signal extraction and Respiration Rate measurement using RGB color data of the chest 52
Fig. 19. Illustration for traditional R and B channels method (AC components, where ACRed & ACblue are the standard deviations (SD) of the RGB data and...[이미지참조] 54
Fig. 20. Interval tachogram of 256 consecutive RR values in a normal subject at supine rest (a) and after head-up tilt (b). The HRV spectra are shown,... 57
Fig. 21. Typical Diastole series of PPG signal selected in each group(MDDSI+, MDDSI-, and CONT) 58
Fig. 22. Stress Classification using Facial Features, ECG, Voice 60
Fig. 23. Depression Classification using Pulse signal of facial images 61
Fig. 24. Expended set of Haar-like features: (a) edge features, (b) line features, (c) center-surround features. Face detection based on (d) the edge feature of... 65
Fig. 25. X-coordinate variability of ROI 66
Fig. 26. ROI stabilization process 66
Fig. 27. Calibrated x-coordinate variability of ROI (n=15) 67
Fig. 28. (a) Blood vessel and region of interest (red rectangle) of the facial artery. (b) Detected cheek ROI (green rectangle) from the facial video 69
Fig. 29. The extracted Cg signal recorded for 60s. 73
Fig. 30. Frequency Domain Distribution for BioSignal Measurement 76
Fig. 31. Simple block diagram of skin moisture/oil/ph analysis 82
Fig. 32. Simple block diagram of skin temperature 86
Fig. 33. Simple block diagram of Body temperature analysis 87
Fig. 34. Flowchart of Pulse wave Extraction 90
Fig. 35. Pulse-Frequency domain of the Cg signal (Fig. 29) 91
Fig. 36. Illustration of pulse wave extraction process 93
Fig. 37. Pulse wave comparison(PPG(blue), skin image(red)) 93
Fig. 38. Peak detection of pulse wave 94
Fig. 39. RR interval calculation of the pulse wave 95
Fig. 40. CNN based pulse rate classification pipeline 96
Fig. 41. RNN based pulse rate estimation pipeline 97
Fig. 42. Flowchart of systolic & diastolic blood pressure measurement 98
Fig. 43. Selection of two different ROIs for blood pressure measurement 99
Fig. 44. Peak detection and phase extraction of roi₁ and roi₂ 100
Fig. 45. Relationship dataset collection between the distance of camera-user and the detected face width 101
Fig. 46. Regression Analysis of Face width and Pixcel Distance 102
Fig. 47. Distance between roi₁ and roi₂ 103
Fig. 48. baPWV measurement 104
Fig. 49. PTT calculation using Pulse wave of roi₁ and roi₂ 105
Fig. 50. Pulse Wave Analysis in Inhalation and Exhalation Intervals 107
Fig. 51. Gradient calculation process 108
Fig. 52. Simple block diagram of Hemoglobin analysis 109
Fig. 53. Simple block diagram of Blood glucose analysis 111
Fig. 54. Blood viscosity calculation process 113
Fig. 55. Flowchart of Respiratory signal Extraction 117
Fig. 56. Respiration-Frequency domain of the Cg signal (Fig. 29) 118
Fig. 57. Illustration of respiratory signal extraction process 119
Fig. 58. Peak detection of respiratory signal 120
Fig. 59. PP interval calculation of the respiratory signal 120
Fig. 60. Simple block diagram of FVC, PEF, FVC(FEV₁, FEV₂ and FEV₃) analysis (Blow) 123
Fig. 61. Simple block diagram of FVC, PEF, FVC(FEV₁, FEV₂ and FEV₃) analysis (Non-blow) 125
Fig. 62. Flowchart of Activity Calculation 130
Fig. 63. A comparative analysis of changes in autonomic nervous system activity between healthy people (left) and depressed patient (right) 137
Fig. 64. Analysis of PCA application of frequency data for normal people and dementia patients (x-axis real part, y-axis imaginary part) 141
Fig. 65. Comparison of FPR calculation results by stable and unstable methods 146
Fig. 66. Graphs comparing FPR (Proposed) with other FPR methods (STFT, ACF, ICA-BPF) 148
Fig. 67. Comparison of BP calculation results by stable and original ROI 154
Fig. 68. Comparison of BP measurement results using PWV and PTT 156
Fig. 69. Comparison of FRR Results by face detection stabilization 163
Fig. 70. Comparison of FRR (Proposed) and other FRR (STFT, ACF, ICA-BPF) Graph 165
Fig. 71. Dementia index (x-axis) and correlation coefficient (y-axis) calculated for normal people and dementia patients 184
Fig. 72. Complexion state app (Measurement result screen) 185
Fig. 73. Lung function Measurement (Blow) 186
Fig. 74. Chart and management of Measured biosignal 187