Title Page
Ⅰ. Introduction 10
Ⅱ. Methods 12
1. Patient selection 12
2. Preoperative evaluation 12
3. Pathologic assessment 12
4. Follow-up method after operation and detection of recurrence 13
5. Statistical analyses 13
Ⅲ. Results 15
1. Demographic and clinical features of IPNB versus nonpapillary CCC before and after PSM analysis 15
2. Demographic and clinical features of type 1 IPNB (51 cases) versus type 2 IPNB (34 cases) 15
3. Demographic and clinical features of invasive type 1 IPNB (36 cases) versus invasive type 2 IPNB (34 cases) 16
4. Immunohistochemistry findings of invasive type 1 IPNB (26 cases) versus invasive type 2 IPNB (15 cases) 16
5. Oncological outcomes 17
6. Risk factor analysis (70 cases of invasive IPNBs) 17
7. Analysis for time to initial recurrence 18
8. Analysis for initial recurrence site 19
Ⅳ. Discussion 20
Ⅴ. Conclusions 24
References 25
논문요약 28
Table 1. Definition of type 1 IPNB and type 2 IPNB 30
Table 2a. The details of demographic and clinical features of IPNB versus nonpapillary CCC before PSM analysis 30
Table 2b. The details of demographic and clinical features of IPNB versus nonpapillary CCC after PSM analysis 31
Table 3. The details of demographic and clinical features of type 1 IPNB (51 cases) versus type 2 IPNB (34 cases) 33
Table 4. The details of demographic and clinical features of invasive type 1 IPNB (36 cases) versus invasive type 2 IPNB (34 cases) 34
Table 5. The details of IHC findings of invasive type 1 IPNB (26 cases) versus invasive type 2 IPNB (15 cases) 36
Table 6. Summary of 8 patients with late recurrence among invasive type 2 IPNB 37
Table 7. Initial recurrence site after resection according to type of invasive IPNB (70 cases of invasive IPNB) 38
Figure 1. Histological findings of IPNB according to type. (a) Type 1 IPNB. 39
Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. (a) Comparison of 5-year cumulative overall survival rate (OSR) of IPNB and nonpapillary CCC after PSM (b) Comparison of 5-year... 40