Rapid environmental changes are imposing new demands on companies, namely agility and innovation. Against the backdrop of intensified environmental uncertainty triggered by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, this study analyzes how the sensitivity to environmental uncertainty influences intrapreneurial behavior through the agility of organizational members. Additionally, it explores the moderating effect of cognitive flexibility on this relationship.
Moreover, to realize organizational values and objectives, it is imperative to understand generational characteristics and differences in values and attitudes considered crucial by the organization. In contemporary society, the Millennial and Z generations, dominating various sectors, significantly influence organizations.
Data were collected from employed individuals aged 20 and above nationwide from September 27 to October 10, 2023, to achieve these research objectives. Firstly, regarding the impact of environmental uncertainty sensitivity on member agility, perceived technological and market uncertainty partially positively affected member agility. In environments with high market uncertainty, as customer preferences and product demand fluctuations increase, organizational agility is crucial for observing external customer preferences and responding adeptly, especially when market preferences are unstable. In this context, our study suggests that as organizational members perceive higher technological and market uncertainties, their agility also increases.
Secondly, concerning the impact of member agility on intrapreneurial behavior, higher member agility corresponded to increased intrapreneurial behavior. Generally, highly agile employees proactively and flexibly respond to changes, accepting new ideas and actively participating. Recognizing the benefits of employee agility across various aspects, this study's hypothesis verification suggests that the positive aspects of member agility extend to intrapreneurial behavior.
Thirdly, in analyzing the mediating effects between environmental uncertainty sensitivity and intrapreneurial behavior through member agility, partial mediating effects were observed in the relationships between technological uncertainty sensitivity, market uncertainty sensitivity, and intrapreneurial behavior. In environments where technological and market uncertainties deepen, organizational members, through their agility, exhibit higher intrapreneurial behavior. This implies that in situations where technological and market uncertainties intensify, highly agile employees leverage their agility to elevate intrapreneurial behavior.
Fourthly, examining the moderating effect of cognitive flexibility on the relationship between environmental uncertainty sensitivity and member agility, statistical significance was observed in the positive influence of cognitive flexibility. Specifically, organizational members with high cognitive flexibility displayed increased agility despite heightened market uncertainty. In fast-paced and innovative environments where market changes and diverse customer demands create pressures, cognitive flexibility becomes crucial. In this context, cognitive flexibility enhances member agility, especially in increasing market uncertainty.
Finally, additional analyses explored generational differences in mediating and moderating effects. The results revealed that only for the Z generation were partial mediating effects between technological uncertainty sensitivity and intrapreneurial behavior through member agility. The moderating effect of cognitive flexibility on the relationship between market uncertainty sensitivity and member agility was evident only for the Z generation. In contrast, for the older generation, the moderating effect was observed only in the relationship between competition uncertainty sensitivity and member agility. These findings demonstrate generational variations in mediating and moderating effects related to environmental uncertainty, organizational member agility, and intrapreneurial behavior.
Researchers suggest that in organizations where diverse generations work together, acknowledging and respecting generational differences in attitudes and responses to uncertainty enriches organizational culture, improves team collaboration, and enhances intra-organizational communication. Considering these aspects, the empirical data from this study are expected to offer insights into understanding and leveraging organizational diversity effectively.
In conclusion, the empirical results of this study indicate that, to respond to uncertainty and change successfully and achieve successful intrapreneurial behavior outcomes, organizations must enhance member agility. Moreover, developing flexible and effective human resource management strategies, considering generational characteristics and cognitive flexibility is essential. Such strategies are anticipated to contribute to enhancing organizational competitiveness.