This study analyzes the theoretical consideration of prefabricated architecture, which is partially introduced into domestic apartment construction, and the case of experimental prefabricated architecture in modern apartment houses.
Korea introduced apartments to supply houses in large quantities after the Korean War. Until now, apartments have grown quantitatively. However, the domestic apartment construction industry has recently faced problems such as rising wages, shorter working hours, a lack of skilled workers, and an aging workforce. The main cause of the construction industry's problem is the On-site production method, and the need for the Off-Site Construction method is emerging to overcome the limitations of the On-site production method.
Pre-fab architecture is an off-site construction method in which major materials of a building are pre-produced in a factory and installed on site. Since pre-fab construction is based on factory production, it has advantages different from existing construction methods such as shortening air, quality control, resolving manpower shortages, and eco-friendliness. Therefore, various studies are conducted to revitalize pre-fab apartments not only in Korea but also in many developed countries, and projects for pre-fab apartments of various sizes are underway.
However, prefabricated architecture is not today's new technology, and prefabricated apartment houses are also not a recent trend. In the past, after the war and the Industrial Revolution, pre-fab apartment houses were developed to supply housing in large quantities and increase the economic feasibility of housing.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the technology and culture of the past prefabricated apartment in order to seek the direction and improvement of the current prefabricated apartment. It is justifiable to understand prefab apartments by examining past experimental prefab apartment cases and to find the direction of prefab apartments today through understanding.
The buildings selected for analysis are the Le Corbusier's Unité d'habitation Marseille, Kisho Kurokawa's Nakagin Capsule Tower, Ricardo Bofill's Walden
7. Unité d'habitation Marseille is the first prefab apartment complex. Additionally, Le Corbusier's modular concept and sanitary city concept were applied. Nakagin Capsule Tower realized the idea of metabolism and the plug-in system of capsules, and Walden 7 is a prefab apartment reflecting the residential complex shape of postmodernism and Ricardo Boffill's modular system. To help understand the building, initial plans, architectural and urban theories, and research projects were analyzed together. The planning background of the building and the building were analyzed. The background analysis focuses on the situation that influenced the building and the architectural theory. In the building analysis, the shape and space of the building are analyzed, focusing on the drawings.
By analyzing the experimental prefabricated apartment house, the background of the introduction of prefabricated architecture and the theory of prefabricated architecture were examined. Through case analysis, it was possible to understand the technology and culture of prefab apartment houses. Through the results of the study, it was possible to grasp the nature of prefabricated apartment houses and the current reality. Therefore, it is expected that it will be able to lay the foundation for setting the direction of prefabricated apartment houses today.