A logistic model to differentiate between participants and nonparticipants in the Hemoccult test among federal employees in U.S.A / Chung Yul Lee 1
I. Introduction 1
II. Literature Review 1
1. Colorectal Cancer 1
2. Fecal Occult Blood Test 2
3. Cancer Prevention at Worksite 3
4. Cancer Prevention Project for Federal Employees 3
5. Definition of Terminology 3
III. Methodology 4
1. Study Cases 4
2. Data Collection Instrument 4
3. Data Collection and Management 4
4. Data Analysis 4
IV. Results 5
1. Return Rate of the Questionnaire 5
2. Study Cases 5
3. Participation in the "Hemoccult" Test 5
4. Reasons for Not Participating in the "Hemoccult" Test 6
5. Demographic Characteristics 6
6. Knowledge on the "Hemoccult" Test 9
7. Risk Factors of the Colorectal Cancer 9
8. Smoking Behavior 11
9. Logistic Regression Model 11
10. Summary 12
V. Discussion 13
1. Participation in the study 13
2. Participation in the "Hemoccult" test 14
3. Reasons for not participating in the "Hemoccult" test 14
4. Smoking rate 14
5. Logistic regression model 14
6. Limitations 14
7. Suggestions for further research 15
Bibliography 15
국문초록 18