본 연구는 한국, 일본, 스웨덴의 커뮤니티 케어 정책을 WHO 가이드 원칙에 기준하여 비교했다. 각 국가의 커뮤니티 케어 정책이 Decade of Healthy Ageing을 위한 가이드 원칙에 부합하는지 여부를 적합, 미흡, 부재로 판단했고, 관련 내용을 기술했다. 분석 결과, 한국의 지역사회 통합돌봄 정책은 ‘상호 연결성과 불가분성’, ‘포괄성’, ‘다중이해관계자 파트너십’, ‘비배제성’, ‘형평성’, ‘지속성’, ‘무해성’에 미흡했고, ‘세대 간 연대’에 대한 내용이 부재했다. 이에 대한 개선 방향으로는 ‘지역 보건 강화’, ‘취약계층의 선별적 대상 확대’, ‘업무 범위 명확화’, ‘24시간・비대면 운영 확대’, ‘수혜 사각지대 방지’, ‘세대 교류 마련’, ‘근거 법안 마련’, ‘안정적 재원 확보’ 등을 제시했다. 본 연구를 통해 우리나라 커뮤니티 케어의 개선 방향을 모색하고 향후 건전한 보편화에 기여하고자 한다.
This study compared the community care policies of Korea, Japan, and Sweden based on the WHO global strategy. Each country's community care policy was rated as appropriate, insufficient, or absent depending on the degree of its conformity to the “Guiding Principles for the Decade of Healthy Ageing.” In addition, descriptions of related contents were provided. Our analysis found that the policy contents of “Interconnected and indivisible”, “Inclusive”, “Multistakeholder partnerships”, “Leaving no one behind”, “Equity”, “Commitment”, and “Do no harm” were insufficient to support community-based integrated care. Regarding the strategy of “Intergenerational solidarity”, there was no relevant policy content. The directions for improvement are as follows: “Reinforcement of local health”, “Expansion of selective targets for the vulnerable”, “Clarification of scope of work”, “Expansion of 24-hour or non-face-to-face operation”, “Prevention of blind spots for benefits”, “Preparation of generational exchange”, “Preparation of grounding legislation”, and “Securing stable financial resources.” This study was intended to identify improvement directions for the Community Integrated Care Leading Project and help it become more broadly applied in the future.