Title page
Summary 1
I. Introduction 1
II. Food insecurity, climate- and environment-related pressures, and violent conflict: Current knowledge 2
Key findings 2
Key pathways 3
III. Turning vicious circles into virtuous ones: The value of integrated approaches with stronger peace dimensions 10
Implementation challenges 12
IV. Programming implications for aid agencies 14
Incentivizing the integration of food, climate and peacebuilding dimensions 15
Entry points and good practice for sustainable peacebuilding and climate adaptation in fragile contexts 16
Partnerships 18
V. Recommendations and ways forward 19
Policy recommendations 19
Research agenda 20
Annex A. List of interviews with officials from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 21
Annex B. Food security interventions with the potential to promote peace 22
I. Examples of integrated, climate-resilient food security interventions with potential peace dividends 22
II. Multi-stakeholder examples 23
Annex C. Glossary 25
Figure 1. Vicious circles: Pathways between food insecurity, climate- and environment-related pressures, and violent conflict 4
Figure 2. Virtuous circles: Pathways between improved food security, a sustainable climate and environment, and enhanced prospects for peace 12
Box 1. Definition and implementation of integrated approaches with a peacebuilding dimension 2
Box 2. The relationship between social cohesion and peace 16
Annex Boxes
Box B.1. School meal programmes with sustainable livelihood opportunities 22
Box B.2. Programmes to improve equitable access to natural resources through brokered land usage rights 22
Box B.3. Food/nutritional security and natural resource management in South Sudan 23
Box B.4. United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) for Reconciliation, Stabilization and Resilience in South Sudan 24