Title page
Summary 1
I. Introduction 1
II. The establishment and working of UNROCA 2
III. Reporting to UNROCA by South East Asian states, 1992-2022 11
IV. The benefits of reporting to UNROCA for South East Asian states 17
V. Conclusions 18
Abbreviations 23
Table 1. The categories of major conventional weapons of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms 4
Table 2. Participation in the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms by South East Asian states, 1992-2022 12
Table 3. Numbers of items in the seven categories of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms imported by South East Asian states, 2019-23 18
Figure 1. Extract from the imports section of the standardized form for reporting international transfers of conventional arms to the United Nations Register... 6
Figure 2. Extract from the Arms Trade Treaty reporting template 11
Figure 3. Annual participation in the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms by South East Asian states, 1992-2022 13
Figure 4. Average rates of reporting to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms by states in South East Asia, in the rest of Asia and Oceania, and... 14
Figure 5. Extract from Malaysia's submission to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms for 2021 15
Figure 6. Imports of major arms by states in South East Asia, in the rest of Asia and Oceania, and globally, by five-year period, 1978-2022 16
Box 1. Reporting under the Arms Trade Treaty 10