Title page
Abstract 2
Introduction 4
Reviewing the Literature on the DSIR 6
When and Where Does CBO Use the DSIR? 10
CBO's Baseline Economic Projections 11
CBO's Fiscal Policy Analyses 12
Sensitivity of CBO's Interest Rate Projections to Changes in the DSIR Parameter 12
Why Does CBO Estimate the DSIR Parameter Empirically? 14
Empirical Estimation of the DSIR Parameter 15
Empirical Specification 15
Data 17
Baseline Results 22
Recursive Estimation 23
Testing for Breaks in the Empirical Relationship 24
Conclusion 25
References Cited 27
Appendix A: Using Deficits as the Explanatory Variable of Interest 29
Appendix B: Using Projections of Federal Reserve and Foreign Holdings of U.S. Treasury Securities 31
Table 1. Debt Sensitivity of 10-Year Interest Rate Empirical Results 22
Figure 1. Theoretical Estimates of the Debt Sensitivity of Interest Rates 9
Figure 2. Projected Interest Rates, 1976-2023 18
Figure 3. Projected Debt-to-GDP Ratio, 1976-2023 19
Figure 4. U.S. Treasury Debt Holdings by Entity, 1976-2022, as a Percentage of Nominal GDP 20
Figure 5. Foreign Holdings, 1976-2023, as a Percentage of GDP 21
Figure 6. Recursive Regression Analysis of the Debt Sensitivity of Interest Rates Parameter 24
Table A1. Deficit Sensitivity of 10-Year Interest Rate Models 30
Table B1. Trimmed Models, January 2011-February 2023 33
Figure B1. Federal Reserve Balance Sheet and CBO Projections, 2011-2023, as a Percentage of GDP 32