Title page
Highlights 2
Letter 5
Background 7
DOD Contracts We Reviewed Generally Included the Clause Restricting Mandatory Arbitration 10
Contracting Officers Generally Included the Clause Restricting Mandatory Arbitration in Reviewed Contracts 10
Two DLA Contracts We Selected Did Not Include the Required Clause Restricting Mandatory Arbitration 11
Contractors Limited Their Use of Mandatory Arbitration in Accordance with the DFARS Clause 12
Conclusions 13
Recommendation for Executive Action 13
Agency Comments 13
Appendix I: Department of Defense Contractors That GAO Interviewed 15
Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 16
Figure 1. Notional Depiction of Legal Relationships in Department of Defense Contracting 8
Table 1. Department of Defense Contractors That GAO Interviewed 15