Title page
Highlights 2
Letter 7
Background 11
EHDI Program Role in the Screening, Diagnosis, and Referral Process for Hearing Loss 11
HHS Agency Roles in the EHDI Program 14
Disparities i.n Access to EHDI Services 16
HRSA Measures EHDI Program Performance Primarily through Benchmark Data 17
HRSA Assesses State EHDI Programs Based on the Percentage of Infants Meeting Benchmark Targets for Hearing Screening, Diagnoses, and Enrollment in Early Intervention Services 17
Performance Measure Change for EHDI Benchmarks Should Allow HRSA to More Accurately Track State Progress 20
HRSA and CDC Provide Technical Assistance and Take Other Steps to Address States' Challenges Meeting EHDI Benchmarks 25
HHS Efforts to Promote Language Acquisition Include Seeking State Input, and Efforts Are Underway to Address States' Challenges 28
HHS Actions Include Requiring Plans for Reaching Underserved Populations, but States Are Not Required to Report Progress 32
HRSA Sets Requirements for States to Support Families; Selected States Used Various Strategies to Provide Support 39
Conclusions 42
Recommendations for Executive Action 42
Agency Comments 42
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 44
Appendix II: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Grant and Cooperative Agreement Programs 48
Appendix III: Promising Practices to Address Disparities in Access to Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Services 49
Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Health and Human Services 52
Appendix V: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 54
Table 1. Comparison of Two Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program Performance Measures for the 1-3-6 Month Benchmarks 21
Table 2. Underserved Populations Targeted by State Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (EHDI) Diversity and Inclusion Plans 36
Table 3. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Grant and Cooperative Agreement Programs, 2020-2029, by Awarding Agency and Period of Performance 48
Table 4. Examples of Promising Practices to Increase Access to Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Services for Underserved Populations 50
Figure 1. Sources of Data for State Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs 12
Figure 2. Hearing Screening of a Newborn Infant 13
Figure 3. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program Benchmarks 18
Figure 4. Number and Percentage of States Meeting Early Hearing Detection and Intervention 2020-2024 Grant Period Performance Targets, 2020 Birth Year Data 19
Figure 5. Comparison of Two Measures for the Percentage of Infants Screened for Hearing Loss before 1 Month of Age, 2008-2020 22
Figure 6. Comparison of Two Measures for the Percentage of Infants Diagnosed with Hearing Loss before 3 Months of Age, 2008-2020 23
Figure 7. Comparison of Two Measures for the Percentage of Infants with Hearing Loss Enrolled in Early Intervention by 6 Months of Age, 2008-2020 24