Title page
Highlights 2
Letter 6
Background 9
OPM Established a Cyber Workforce Dashboard 11
Selected Workforce Management Practices Are Key to Effective Cybersecurity Management 12
GAO Has Previously Reported on Challenges to Effective Federal IT Workforce Planning 14
Selected Departments Did Not Fully Implement Applicable Cybersecurity Workforce Management Practices 16
Departments Largely Set the Strategic Direction 17
Most Departments Partially Conducted Workforce Analyses 19
Most Departments Did Not Fully Develop Workforce Action Plans 21
Most Departments Did Not Fully Implement and Monitor Action Plans 23
Departments Did Not Fully Evaluate and Revise Action Plans 25
Most Departments Took Steps to Mitigate Identified Workforce Challenges, but No Departments Evaluated Their Actions 28
Selected Departments Identified Cybersecurity Workforce Challenges 28
Selected Departments Took Actions to Mitigate Cybersecurity Workforce Challenges 30
None of the Selected Departments Evaluated the Effectiveness of their Mitigation Actions 32
Conclusions 33
Recommendations for Executive Action 33
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation 36
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 41
Appendix II: Comments from the Department of Homeland Security 44
Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Health & Human Services 47
Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Veterans Affairs 50
Appendix V: Comments from the Department of Treasury 54
Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 55
Table 1. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Workforce Planning Guide Five-Step Process and the 15 Selected Applicable Practices for Cybersecurity Workforce Management 13
Table 2. Assessment of Five Selected Departments' Implementation of Selected Applicable Practices for Step One: Set Strategic Direction 18
Table 3. Assessment of Five Selected Departments' Implementation of Selected Applicable Practices for Step Two: Conduct Workforce Analyses 19
Table 4. Assessment of Five Selected Departments' Implementation of Selected Applicable Practices for Step Three: Develop Workforce Action Plan 22
Table 5. Assessment of Five Selected Departments' Implementation of Selected Applicable Practices for Step Four: Implement and Monitor the Workforce Action Plan 23
Table 6. Assessment of Five Selected Departments' Implementation of Selected Applicable Practices for Step Five: Evaluate and Revise the Workforce Action Plan 25
Table 7. Selected Departments' Reported Cybersecurity Workforce Challenges 28
Figure 1. Extent to Which Selected Departments Implemented the Practices Within Each of the Five Cybersecurity Workforce Management Steps 17