[표지] 1
진행순서(PROGRAM) 3
목차 5
개회사(OPENING ADDRESS) _국회미래연구원 7
개회사 / Helen V. Milner[내용없음] 9
환영사(WELCOME ADDRESS) / 윤재옥 14
환영사(WELCOME ADDRESS) / 위성락 18
발표 22
SESSION 1. 미국 대선 전망과 민주주의, 국제질서의 미래(The U.S. Presidential Election and Democracy : the Future of International Order) 22
The 2024 Election and the Future of American Politics / Frances E. Lee 22
2024 US Presidential Election and the Future of American Foreign Policy / Jungkun Seo 32
SESSION 2. 미국 대선 이후 세계화, 통상질서의 미래(The U.S. Presidential Election and Globalization : the Future of Global Trade Order) 38
The Future of Global Trade Governance / Leonardo Baccini 38
Globalization and Trade after the U.S. Presidential Election / Seungjoo Lee 54
SESSION 3. 미국 대선 이후 경제안보, 디리스킹의 미래(The U.S. Presidential Election and Economic Security : the Future of De-risking) 63
Economic Security and Technology / Kenneth Scheve 63
Rethinking Economic Security to Rebuild Liberal International Order / Jong-hee Park 68
판권기 81
[뒷표지] 82