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Ⅰ. 서론 11
Ⅱ. 실험 재료 및 방법 14
1. 균주 분리 및 보존 14
2. 균주 배양 14
3. Agarase activity 측정 15
4. 해양 세균 B-113의 특성 조사 15
4.1 성장 특성 조사 15
4.2 성장과 agarae 생산과의 관계 15
4.3 지방 및 지방산 조성 조사 15
5. 균주 동정 17
5.1 Chromosomal DNA 분리 17
5.2 16S rRNA variable domain을 대상으로 한 t-RFLP 18
5.3 B-113 16S rRNA의 염기서열 결정 18
6. 세포내 agarase 분포 조사 19
7. Agarase 분리 정제 19
7.1 Crude lysate 제조 19
7.2 Desalting with Bio-Rad Econo 10-DG column 20
7.3 Ion exchange column chromatography 20
7.4 Gel filtration chromatography 21
7.5 Agarase 정제 확인 21
8 Agarase의 특성 조사 21
8.1 온도에 따른 agarase 활성 및 안정성 21
8.2 pH에 따른 agarase 활성 및 안정성 21
8.3 생산되는 올리고당의 조사 22
Ⅲ. 실험 결과 25
1. Agarase 생산 균주의 분리 25
2. Agarase 생산 균주 B-113의 특징 25
2.1 해양 세균 B-113의 특징 25
2.2 해양 세균 B-113의 성장 특성 25
2.3 성장과 agarase 생산과의 관계 26
2.4 지방 및 지방산 조성 27
2.5 16S rRNA variable domain PCR 및 t-RFLP 27
2.6 16S rRNA 염기서열 결정 27
3. Agarase의 세포내 분포 27
4. Cellular agarase 분리 정제 28
4.1 Cellular enzyme 정제 28
4.2 Gel filtration chromatography 29
4.3 B-113 agarase 정제 확인 29
5. Agarase의 특성 29
5.1 활성과 안정성의 온도 의존도 29
5.2 활성과 안정성의 pH 의존도 30
5.3 K m과 Vmax의 결정 30
5.4 Agarase type 결정 30
Ⅳ.고찰 31
참고문헌 51
Abstract 54
감사의 글 55
Figure 1. Structure of agarose 11
Figure 2. Structure of neoagarobiose and agarobiose 12
Figure 3. Structures of AP-L-anhydrogalactose and AP-D-galactose 24
Figure 4. Agar was digested by marine bacterium B on ZoBell agar plate 35
Figure 5. Microscope picture of marine bacterium B showing typical rod form 35
Figure 6. Growth curve of marine bacterium B-113 and production of α-agarase 36
Figure 7. (a) TLC and (b) TLC-FID chromatogram of phospholipid of B-113 37
Figure 8. Agarose gel electrophresis 16S rRNA PCR products 38
Figure 9. T-RFLP pattern of variable domain(I) of 16S rRNA from B-113 39
Figure 10. The sequence of 16S rRNA of agarase producing marine bacterium B-113 40
Figure 11. Result of BLAST data base search for sequenced 16S rRNA from B-113 41
Figure 12. Distribution of agarase activity in culture broth, peripheral space and cytosol 42
Figure 13. Chromatogram of High-Q ion exchange column chromatography 43
Figure 14. Chromatogram of gel filtration chromatography 43
Figure 15. Chromatogram of Mono-Q ion exchange column chromatography 44
Figure 16. Chromatogram of 2nd gel filtration chromatography 44
Figure 17. SDS-PAGE of B-113 agarase preparations 45
Figure 18. Activity staining of purified B-113 agarase on 2 % agarose vertical slab gel electrophoresis stained with KI3 solution (5 %) 46
Figure 19. Dependence of agarase activity and stability on the temperature 47
Figure 20. Dependence of agarase activity and stability on the pH 48
Figure 21. TLC analysis of agarose digested products by B-113 agarase 49
Figure 22. HPLC analysis of AP-derived agarose digested products by B-113 agarase 50
Table 1. Characteristics of reported agarase 13
Table 2. List of restriction endonuclease for t-RFLP 18
Table 3. List of sequencing primer set 19
Table 4. Used buffer for agarase activity and stability on the pH 22
Table 5. Physiological properties of agarase producing marine bacterium B-113 26
Table 6. Cellular fatty acid composition of marine bacterium B-113 26
Table 7. Purification of agarase from marine bacterium B-113 28
Scheme 1. The process of enzyme purification from B-113 34
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