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검색결과 (전체 1건)
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원문 아이콘이 없는 경우 국회도서관 방문 시 책자로 이용 가능
I. 서론 6
II. 실험 재료 및 방법 11
1. B 세포의 분리 11
2. 세포 배양 12
3. 면역조직화학법(Immunohistochemistry, IHC) 13
4. 유세포 분석(Flowcytometry) 13
5. 면역 형광 분석법(Confocal microscopy) 14
6. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR 15
7. Western blotting 16
8. Q-TOF mass spectrometry 분석을 위한 western blotting과 면역침전 17
9. 단일클론항체 생산 18
III. 결과 19
1. CD320 분자의 세포별 발현 조사 19
1-1. 편도선 발아중심에 8D6 단일클론항체의 결합 19
1-2. 세포별 CD320 분자의 발현 확인 19
2. CD320 분자의 세포 내 분포 22
3. 사람 B 세포에서 CD320 분자의 발현 조절 26
3-1. 사람 편도선의 비활성 B 세포와 발아중심 B 세포간의 CD320 mRNA 발현 비교 26
3-2. 다양한 자극에 의한 B 세포 활성화에 따른 CD320 mRNA의 발현 증가 29
4. CD320 분자에 의한 세포 내 신호 전달 29
5. CD320 분자의 단백질 검출 31
6. 새로운 anti-human CD320 단일클론항체 생산 33
IV. 토의 36
V. 참고문헌 43
영문초록 51
감사의 글 53
초록보기 더보기
CD320 has recently been reported as a novel signaling molecule with the presumed residues of 282 amino acids. The previous studies suggest that CD320 is derived from follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) and plays important roles in B cell proliferation and differentiation. Since we found that CD320 is highly expressed in B cells as well as FDC, in this study, we attempted to study regulation signals of CD320 expression and intracellular signaling pathways through CD320 molecule in B cells. Flowcytometric and confocal microscopic analyses reveal that CD320 is localized on the membrane of naive B cells but mainly in the cytoplasm of germinal center B cells. Expression of CD320 is up-regulated upon B cell activation with various stimuli including BCR and CD40 signals. We observed that Erk phosphorylation was induced when B cells were stimulated by CD320-transfected cells. These results suggest that B cells express both CD320 and putative CD320 ligand, expression of CD320 is regulated, and CD320 is involved in proliferation of B cells through Erk pathway. Further study is required to understand the biological function of this novel molecule.
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