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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


Title Page




1. Introduction 13

1.1. Motivation 13

1.2. Objective 15

1.3. Thesis Overview 15

2. Related Work 17

2.1. Studies on Application with Various Views 17

2.2. Studies on Information Occlusion 18

2.3. In-situ User Context 19

3. Views for Exploration of On-site Tour Information 22

3.1. Well-organized List View 24

3.2. Top-down View 25

3.3. First-person View 25

4. Tourcloud Mobile Client 27

4.1. Tour Contents DB 28

4.2. Context-aware Component 29

4.3. Context-sharing Component 29

4.3.1. List, Map View-management Component 30

4.3.2. AR View-management Component 30

4.4. Use Case 33

5. Evaluation 35

5.1. Methods 35

5.2. Result 38

5.3. Discussion 45

6. Conclusion 50

6.1. Summary of the Contributions 50

6.2. Limitations and Future Work 50

Bibliography 52

Appendix A 9

A.1. A consent form prior to testing 57

A.2. Pre-study questionnaire 59

A.3. Post-study questionnaire 60

Table 1. The cause of tourist's information need 13

Table 2. Taxonomy for ways to present annotations in relation to the annotated objects according to Hansen (2006) and comparison terminologies 20

Table 3. Proper view and needed user context according to Hansen (2006) mode 20

Table 4. Proper views by tour information types 23

Table 5. The detail and combinations of tasks 37

Table 6. One-way ANOVA result 43

Table 7. Views used by 3view group in order to perform tasks 46

Figure 1. The process to meet the tourist's information need 14

Figure 2. Information need examples according to the tourist context 21

Figure 3. Classification of on-tour mobile applications depending on each views 22

Figure 4. Each view's perspective for exploration: 23

Figure 5. The respective merits of each views 24

Figure 6. The information occlusion of top-down view and first-person view 26

Figure 7. Overview of tourcloud mobile client 27

Figure 8. Tourcloud mobile client system architecture 28

Figure 9. Tour content DB structure 29

Figure 10. View-management component: 30

Figure 11. A comparative position of view-management between (a) standalone AR and (b) webized AR 31

Figure 12. Proposed AR view-management component 32

Figure 13. Tourcloud mobile client: 34

Figure 14. The order and the place of tasks 36

Figure 15. Task completion times (seconds) for free style group and 3view group 43

Figure 16. Post-study questionnaire result 44

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