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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보검색


Many precedent investigations have been made for the reliable assessment of the insulation state of large power apparatus for which partial discharge detection is one of the plausible way. In this work, experimental investigations have been carried out to make the comparison on the PD(partial discharge) pattern analysis related to the five different types of artificial defects such as SFMP (Single Free Moving Particle), MFMP (Multi Free Moving Particle), Void, CFP (Conductor-Fixed Protrusion), EP (Enclosure Protrusion). For each PD pattern, PD detection has been done by three different types of PD sensors such as HFCT(High Frequency Current Transformer), AE(Acoustic Emission) and UHF(Ultra High Frequency). And, in addition, frequency spectrum by the UHF sensor has been also made for each defect respectively. As a result, it is observed that the possibility of obtaining PD pattern based on PRPD(Phase Resolved Partial Discharge) in connection with the defects under investigation is dependant on the type of the sensor while the spectrum analysis is always successful to be achieved for every defect. Therefore, it could be suggested that the nature of PD source can be identified more distinctively when the conventional PRPDA is combined with spectrum analysis.


권호기사 목록 테이블로 기사명, 저자명, 페이지, 원문, 기사목차 순으로 되어있습니다.
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