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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색



[표제지 등]=0,1,2





충주시 휘장 설명=6,8,2

충주의 상징=8,10,1

충주시민의 노래=9,11,1





우리시의 연혁=39,41,2

I. 토지 및 기후=41,43,1

1. 위치=41,43,1

2. 행정구역=42,44,1

3. 토지지목별 현황=43,45,3

4. 천기일수=46,48,1

5. 기상개황=47,49,2

6. 강수량=49,51,1

II. 인구=50,52,1

1. 인구추이=50,52,2

2. 동별세대 및 인구=52,54,1

3. 연령별(5세계급) 및 성별인구=53,55,1

4. 호적에 의한 인구 동태=54,56,1

5. 주민등록에 의한 인구이동=55,57,1

III. 노동=56,58,1

1. 경제활동 인구 총괄=56,58,1

2. 산업별 취업자=57,59,1

3. 직업별 취업자=58,60,1

4. 노동조합=59,61,1

IV. 농림수산업=60,62,1

1. 농가 및 농가인구=60,62,1

2. 경지면적=61,63,1

3. 연령별 농가인구=62,64,1

4. 경지규모별 농가=62,64,1

5. 식량작물 생산량=63,65,1

5-1. 미곡=63,65,1

5-2. 맥류=64,66,1

5-3. 잡곡=65,67,1

5-4. 두류=66,68,1

5-5. 서류=67,69,1

6. 채소류 생산량=67,69,5

7. 특용작물 생산량=71,73,1

8. 과실류 생산량=72,74,1

9. 비료공급=73,75,1

10. 농업용기구 및 기계보유현황=74,76,2

11. 정부관리양곡 보관창고=76,78,2

12. 정부양곡 가공공장=78,80,1

13. 추곡수매실적=79,81,1

14. 하곡수매실적=80,82,2

15. 농업협동조합=82,84,1

16. 농지개량조합=83,85,1

17. 농기계 이용조직=84,86,1

18. 수의사 분포=85,87,1

19. 가축사육가구 및 마리=86,88,3

20. 가축전염병 발생=89,91,1

21. 가축전염병 예방주사 실시=90,92,1

22. 도축검사=91,93,1

23. 소유별 임야면적=92,94,1

24. 임상별 임야면적=92,94,1

25. 임상별 임목축적=93,95,1

26. 조림=94,96,1

27. 임산물 생산량=95,97,4

28. 산림피해=99,101,2

29. 제재공장 및 생산=101,103,1

30. 어가 및 어가인구=102,104,1

31. 어선보유=103,105,2

32. 수산물 어획고=105,107,1

33. 수산물 계통판매고=106,108,1

V. 광공업=107,109,1

1. 광공업=107,109,1

2. 제조업체등록=108,110,1

3. 광종별 광구수=109,111,2

4. 광산물 생산=111,113,1

5. 공업 및 농공단지=112,114,1

6. 민수용탄 수급=113,115,1

7. 연탄생산=114,116,1

8. 유류소비량=115,117,1

VI. 전기ㆍ가스ㆍ수도=116,118,1

1. 용도별 전력사용=116,118,2

2. 제조업 중분류별 전력사용량=118,120,2

3. 가스공급량=120,122,1

4. 상수도=121,123,1

5. 급수사용량=122,124,1

6. 급수사용량 부과=122,124,1

7. 상수도관=123,125,1

8. 하수도=124,126,2

VII. 유통ㆍ금융ㆍ보험 및 기타서비스=126,128,1

1. 시장분포=126,128,1

2. 금융기관=127,129,2

3. 금융기관 예금, 대출 및 어음=129,131,1

4. 새마을금고=130,132,1

5. 소비자 물가지수=131,133,1

6. 주요상품 소비자물가지수=132,134,2

7. 농ㆍ수산물 도매시장별 유통량=134,136,1

8. 서비스업=134,136,1

9. 도ㆍ소매업=135,137,1

10. 수출실적=136,138,1

11. 수입실적=137,139,1

VIII. 주택건설=138,140,1

1. 주택=138,140,1

2. 건축허가=139,141,2

3. 아파트 건립=141,143,1

4. 하천=142,144,1

5. 하천부지점용=143,145,2

6. 건설장비=145,147,2

7. 도로=147,149,1

8. 교량=148,150,4

9. 도로 시설물=152,154,1

10. 도시공원=153,155,2

11. 도시계획=155,157,1

IX. 운수 및 통신=156,158,1

1. 자동차 등록=156,158,2

2. 영업용 자동차 업종별 수송=158,160,1

3. 주차장=159,161,1

4. 철도수송=160,162,1

5. 관광객수=161,163,1

6. 관광사업체 등록=162,164,1

7. 우편물 취급=163,165,2

8. 우편요금수입=165,167,1

9. 국내전보취급=166,168,1

10. 국제전신전화취급=166,168,1

11. 전화시설 및 가입자수=167,169,1

12. 이동체 통신시설=167,169,1

X. 보건 및 사회보장=168,170,1

1. 의료기관=168,170,2

2. 의료기관종사 의료인력=170,172,2

3. 보건소 인력=172,174,1

4. 의약품 등 제조업소 및 판매업소=173,175,1

5. 부정의료업자 단속실적=174,176,1

6. 예방접종=175,177,1

7. 법정전염병 발생 및 사망=176,178,2

8. 나환자=178,180,1

9. 결핵환자보건소 등록=179,181,1

10. 가족계획 사업실적=180,182,1

11. 모자보건 사업실적=181,183,1

12. 식품위생 관계업소=182,184,1

13. 환경위생업소=183,185,3

14. 의료보험조합 및 수혜자=186,188,1

15. 국민연금 가입자=187,189,1

16. 국가보훈 대상자=188,190,2

17. 국가보훈 대상자 취업=190,192,1

18. 국가보훈대상 자녀취학=190,192,1

19. 사회복지시설=191,193,1

20. 노인정(경로당)=192,194,1

21. 생활보호 대상자=193,195,1

22. 부녀상담실시=194,196,1

23. 소년ㆍ소녀가장 세대=195,197,1

24. 장애인복지시설 수용=196,198,1

25. 가정의례업소=197,199,1

26. 묘지 및 납골시설=198,200,1

XI. 환경=199,201,1

1. 환경오염물질 배출시설=199,201,1

2. 환경오염배출시설 단속 및 행정조치=199,201,1

3. 하수처리장 및 처리실적=200,202,1

4. 쓰레기 수거=200,202,2

5. 일반폐기물 매립지=201,203,1

6. 분뇨수거=202,204,2

XII. 교육 및 문화=204,206,1

1. 학교 총개황=204,206,2

2. 유치원=206,208,2

3. 국민학교=208,210,2

4. 중학교(국ㆍ공립)=210,212,2

5. 중학교(사립)=212,214,2

6. 일반계 고등학교(국ㆍ공립)=214,216,2

7. 일반계 고등학교(사립)=216,218,2

8. 실업계 고등학교(공립)=218,220,2

9. 실업계 고등학교(사립)=220,222,2

10. 대학(교)=222,224,1

11. 대학원=223,225,1

12. 기타학교=224,226,2

13. 적령아동취학=226,228,1

14. 사설학원=227,229,1

15. 공공도서관=228,230,1

16. 박물관=228,230,1

17. 문화재=229,231,2

18. 종교단체=231,233,2

19. 예술단=233,235,1

20. 문화공간=234,236,1

21. 공공체육시설=235,237,1

22. 출판사 및 인쇄소 등록=236,238,1

XIII. 재정=237,239,1

1. 국세징수=237,239,1

2. 지방세징수=238,240,2

3. 예산결산 총괄=240,242,1

4. 일반회계 세입결산=241,243,1

5. 일반회계 세출결산=242,244,1

6. 특별회계 예산결산=243,245,1

7. 교육비 특별회계 세입결산=244,246,1

8. 교육비 특별회계 세출결산=244,246,1

9. 공유 재산=245,247,1

XIV. 소득=246,248,1

1. 지역총생산 총괄=246,248,1

2. 경제활동별 도내 총생산(경상가격)=247,249,1

XV. 공공행정 및 사법=248,250,1

1. 본청 공무원=248,250,4

2. 의회사무과 및 사업소 공무원=252,254,4

3. 동 공무원 현황=256,258,1

4. 소방공무원 현황=257,259,1

5. 퇴직사유별 공무원=258,260,2

6. 공무원 훈련자=260,262,2

7. 관내관공서 및 주요기관=262,264,4

8. 민원서류 처리=266,268,1

9. 범죄발생 및 검거=267,269,1

10. 연령별 피의자=268,270,1

11. 학력별 피의자=269,271,1

12. 소년범죄=270,272,1

13. 외국인 범죄=271,273,1

14. 화재발생=272,274,1

15. 원인별 화재발생=273,275,1

16. 처종별 화재발생=274,276,1

17. 소방장비=275,277,1

18. 교통사고 발생=276,278,1

19. 자동차단속 및 처리=277,279,2

20. 운전면허 소지자=279,281,1

21. 운전면허 시험실시=280,282,1

22. 풍수해 발생=281,283,2

XVI. 전국통계=283,285,3

1. 전국행정구역 총괄=286,288,2

2. 인구추이=288,290,2

3. 연령(5세계급)별 인구=290,292,2

4. 주요경제지표=292,294,2

5. 경제활동 인구=294,296,1

6. 도시근로자 가구당 월평균 가계수지=295,297,4

7. 도시가구당 월평균 소비지출=299,301,2

8. 생산자 물가지수=301,303,10

9. 전도시 소비자 물가지수=311,313,4

10. 중앙정부 세입총괄=315,317,2

11. 중앙정부 세출총괄=317,319,2

12. 국내총생산에 대한 지출=319,321,2

13. 경제활동별 국내 총생산=321,323,4

14. 수출입 총괄=325,327,2

15. 주요국별 수출=327,329,2

16. 주요국별 수입=329,331,2

17. 자동차 등록=331,333,4

XVII. 국제통계=335,337,3

1. 연앙추계인구=338,340,2

2. 조출생률 및 조사망률=340,342,1

3. 실업률=341,343,1

4. 국내총생산(경상가격)=342,344,2

5. 산업생산지수=344,346,2

6. 생산자 물가지수=346,348,1

7. 소비자 물가지수=347,349,1

8. 수출입단가지수=348,350,1

9. 통화량=349,351,2

10. 대외무역=351,353,2

11. 경제성장률=353,355,1

12. 1인당 국민총생산(경상가격)=354,356,1

13. 남ㆍ북한 주요경제지표=355,357,2

XVIII. 부록=357,359,2

1. 역대 시장 명단=359,361,1

2. 역대 부시장 명단=360,362,1

3. 시청 간부 명단=361,363,1

4. 동장 명단=362,364,1

5. 역대 국회의원 명단=363,365,1

6. 충주시의회 사무기구 간부 명단=364,366,1

7. 시의회 의원 명단=365,367,2

8. 충주시 행정기구표=367,369,2

9. 계량단위 환산표=369,371,3




[title page etc.]=0,1,2

The Charter of Citizens=1,3,2

The Slogan of Municipal Government=3,5,1

The course of Municipal Government=3,5,1

An Address to Publication=4,6,2

The Explanation of the Chung-Ju city Banner=6,8,6






1. Location=41,43,1

2. Administrative District=42,44,1

3. Status of Land Sorts=43,45,3

4. Number of Weather Days=46,48,1

5. Climate=47,49,2

6. Precipitation=49,51,1


1. Growth of Population=50,52,2

2. Household and Population by Dong=52,54,1

3. Population by Five-Year Age Groups=53,55,1

4. Population Trends=54,56,1

5. Migration by Residence Registration=55,57,1

III. LABOR=56,58,1

1. Summary Table of Economically Active Population=56,58,1

2. Employed Persons by Industry=57,59,1

3. Employees by Occupation=58,60,1

4. Labor Union=59,61,1


1. Agricultural Household and Population=60,62,1

2. Area of Arable Land=61,63,1

3. Farm Population by Age Group=62,64,1

4. Farm Households by size of Cultivated Area=62,64,1

5. Total Food Grain Production=63,65,1

5-1. Rice=63,65,1

5-2. Wheat and Barley=64,66,1

5-3. Miscellaneous Cereals=65,67,1

5-4. Pulse=66,68,1

5-5. Potatoes=67,69,1

6. Production of Vegetables=67,69,5

7. Production of Special Crops=71,73,1

8. Production of Fruits=72,74,1

9. Supply of Chemical Fertilizer=73,75,1

10. Agricultural Implements and Machinery=74,76,2

11. Custody Management Warehouse of Government Grain=76,78,2

12. Grain Factory for Government control Grains=78,80,1

13. Government Purchasing of fall Grain=79,81,1

14. Government Purchasing of summer Grain=80,82,2

15. Agricultural Cooperative Association=82,84,1

16. Farm-Land Improvement Association=83,85,1

17. Usable Structure of Agricultural Machinery=84,86,1

18. Distribution of Veterinarians=85,87,1

19. Number of Livestocks and Farm Household For Breeding=86,88,3

20. Infectious Disease of Livestock=89,91,1

21. Livestock Vaccinated Against Infectious Disease=90,92,1

22. Inspection of Livestock Slaughter=91,93,1

23. Forest Land Area Ownership=92,94,1

24. Area of Forest Land by Forest type=92,94,1

25. Forest Growing Stock by Forest type=93,95,1

26. Afforestation=94,96,1

27. Production of Forestry Products=95,97,4

28. Forestry Damage=99,101,2

29. Lumber Mill and Population=101,103,1

30. Fishing Household and Population=102,104,1

31. Fishing Vessel=103,105,2

32. Marine Products=105,107,1

33. Sales of Fishery Products=106,108,1


1. Mining and Manufacturing Industries=107,109,1

2. Factories Registered=108,110,1

3. Mine Lot by Kind=109,111,2

4. Mineral Production=111,113,1

5. Industry and Agriculture and Industry Complex=112,114,1

6. Demand and Supply of Anthracite for Civilian Needs=113,115,1

7. Production of Briquet=114,116,1

8. Oil consumption=115,117,1


1. Consumption of Electric Power by use=116,118,2

2. Consumed Electric Power use by Division=118,120,2

3. Amount of Supply Gas=120,122,1

4. Water Works and Supply=121,123,1

5. Adjustment of the Water Amount used=122,124,1

6. Assessment of Charge for Water Service=122,124,1

7. Pipe of Water Works and Supply=123,125,1

8. Sewerage=124,126,2


1. Distribution of market=126,128,1

2. Status of Banking Institutions=127,129,2

3. Financial organ deposit, loaning and bill=129,131,1

4. New Community Monetary Facilities=130,132,1

5. Consumer Price Indexes=131,133,1

6. Consumer Price Indexes of Major Commodities=132,134,2

7. Trading Quantity(Ouantity) of Farm and Marine Goods by Whole Sale Market=134,136,1

8. Services=134,136,1

9. Wholesale and Retail=135,137,1

10. Achievement(Achivement) of Export=136,138,1

11. Achievement(Achivement) of Import=137,139,1


1. Dwelling=138,140,1

2. Building Permits=139,141,2

3. Apartment Construction=141,143,1

4. Rivers=142,144,1

5. Occupation of River Site=143,145,2

6. Equipment of Construction=145,147,2

7. Roads=147,149,1

8. Bridge=148,150,4

9. Road Facilities=152,154,1

10. Parks of City=153,155,2

11. City Planning=155,157,1


1. Registered Vehicles=156,158,2

2. Operation of Commercial Vehicles by Type of Business=158,160,1

3. Parking Place=159,161,1

4. Railroad Transportation=160,162,1

5. Tourist Arrivals=161,163,1

6. Registered Tourist Firms=162,164,1

7. Status of Handling Mails=163,165,2

8. Income Generated(Generared) by Mail Fees=165,167,1

9. Handing Domestic Telegraphs=166,168,1

10. Handling International Telegraph and Telephone=166,168,1

11. Telephone Facilities and Subscribers=167,169,1

12. Mobile-Communication Facilities=167,169,1


1. Distribution of Medical Facilities=168,170,2

2. Distribution of Medical Personnels=170,172,2

3. Employees in Health Center=172,174,1

4. Number of Manufactures and Dealers of Drugs=173,175,1

5. Control of Illegal Medical Practitioners=174,176,1

6. Preventive Vaccination Services=175,177,1

7. Infectious Disease of Written Law's Genesis and Death=176,178,2

8. Leprosy Patients=178,180,1

9. Registered Leprosy patients in Health Center=179,181,1

10. Achievement(Achivement) of Family Planning Activities=180,182,1

11. Health of Mother and Child Activities=181,183,1

12. Entertaining Business for a kind of Food-Hygienics(Higenics)=182,184,1

13. Sanitary Business=183,185,3

14. Number of Medical Insurance Association and Beneficiary=186,188,1

15. National Pension insurant=187,189,1

16. Veteran Relief Eligible of State Meritoriousness(Meritotiousness)=188,190,2

17. Employment of Patriots Veterans Relief Eligible=190,192,1

18. Enrollment of School Age Bereaved Children=190,192,1

19. Social Welfare Institution=191,193,1

20. Hall for Old Age=192,194,1

21. Relief for the Livelihood=193,195,1

22. Activities of Women's Consultation=194,196,1

23. Number of Child-Headed Families=195,197,1

24. Inmate of the Handicapped Welfare Institution=196,198,1

25. Number of Ritual Business=197,199,1

26. Cemetery and Channel(Charnel) House=198,200,1


1. Environmental Pollution-Facilities=199,201,1

2. Environmental Pollution Facilities and Administrative Control=199,201,1

3. Performance of Sewerage Treatment Plants=200,202,1

4. Detection of Refuse=200,202,2

5. General Refuse Reclaimed Land=201,203,1

6. Collection of Night Soil=202,204,2


1. Summary of Various Schools=204,206,2

2. Status of Kindergartens=206,208,2

3. Status of Primary School=208,210,2

4. Status of Middle school(National, public)=210,212,2

5. Status of Middle school(private)=212,214,2

6. Status of General high school(National, public)=214,216,2

7. Status of General high school(private)=216,218,2

8. Status of Vocational high school(public)=218,220,2

9. Status of Vocational high school(private)=220,222,2

10. University=222,224,1

11. Graduate Schools=223,225,1

12. Others School=224,226,2

13. Enrollment of School Age Children=226,228,1

14. Private Training Institution=227,229,1

15. Public Library=228,230,1

16. Museums=228,230,1

17. Cultural Property=229,231,2

18. Religious Bodies=231,233,2

19. Artist Troops=233,235,1

20. Cultural Theater=234,236,1

21. Public Athletic Facilities=235,237,1

22. Registered Press and Printing House=236,238,1


1. Collection of National Tax=237,239,1

2. Collection of Local Tax=238,240,2

3. Settled amount of Budget and Executed=240,242,1

4. Settle amount of Revenues of General Account=241,243,1

5. Settle amount of Expenditures of General Account=242,244,1

6. Settle amount of Budget of Special Account=243,245,1

7. Settle amount of Revenue Special Account School Expenses=244,246,1

8. Settle amount of Expenditure of Special Account School Expenses=244,246,1

9. City Owned Public Estate=245,247,1

XIV. INCOME=246,248,1

1. Table of Production of Region=246,248,1

2. Product of City Province by Kind of Economic Activity=247,249,1


1. Government Employees of Main Office=248,250,4

2. Government Employees of Congress and Agency=252,254,4

3. Government Employees of Dong Office=256,258,1

4. Government Employees of Fire Service=257,259,1

5. Government Employees by Cause of Resignment=258,260,2

6. Number of Training of Public Officials=260,262,2

7. Government and public office & Major facilities=262,264,4

8. Handling of Paper Work and Civil Petitions=266,268,1

9. Criminal Offense Occurred and Arrested=267,269,1

10. Suspected Person by Age=268,270,1

11. Suspected Person by School Career=269,271,1

12. Juvenile Delinquencies=270,272,1

13. Criminal Offence by Foreigners=271,273,1

14. Fire Incidence=272,274,1

15. Fire Incidences by Cause=273,275,1

16. Fire Outbreak Place=274,276,1

17. Equipments of Fire Protection=275,277,1

18. Traffic Accidents=276,278,1

19. Control and Punishment of Motor Vehicles=277,279,2

20. Number of Driver's Licence=279,281,1

21. Test for Driver's Licence=280,282,1

22. Damages from Storms and Floods=281,283,2


1. Summary of Administrative Districts=286,288,2

2. Trend of Population=288,290,2

3. Population by Five-Year Age Groups=290,292,2

4. Major statistics of Economy=292,294,2

5. Economically Active Population=294,296,1

6. Average Monthly Household Economy in Cities=295,297,4

7. Average Monthly Consumption Expenditure in Cities=299,301,2

8. Producer Price Indexes=301,303,10

9. All Cities Consumer Price Indexs=311,313,4

10. Consolidated Central Government Revenues=315,317,2

11. Consolidated Central Government Expenditures=317,319,2

12. Expenditure on Gross domestic Product=319,321,2

13. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity=321,323,4

14. Summary of Export and Import=325,327,2

15. Export by Principal Country=327,329,2

16. Import by Principal Country=329,331,2

17. Vehicle Registration=331,333,4


1. Estimates of Mid-Year Population=338,340,2

2. CRUDE(GRUDE) Birth Rates and Crude(Grude) Death Rates=340,342,1

3. Unemployment Rates=341,343,1

4. Gross Domestic Product(Current Price)=342,344,2

5. Industrial Production Indexes=344,346,2

6. Producer Price Indexes=346,348,1

7. Consumer Price Indexes=347,349,1

8. Export and Import Unit Value Indexes=348,350,1

9. Money Supply=349,351,2

10. Foreign Trade=351,353,2

11. Rates of Economic Growth=353,355,1

12. Gross National per Person(In Current Prices)=354,356,1

13. Major Statistics of Economy in South, North Korea=355,357,2


1. List of Successive Mayors=359,361,1

2. List of Successive Deputy Mayors=360,362,1

3. List of Responsible Post=361,363,1

4. List of Head of Dong=362,364,1

5. List of the National Assembly=363,365,1

6. List of Executive Members of Council=364,366,1

7. List of the City Councilors=365,367,2

8. Chung-ju Administration Setup=367,369,2

9. Conversion Table of Weight and Measures=369,371,3

Guide map for tour around Ch'ungju=372,374,1



1. 행정구역=15,17,1

2. 토지=16,18,1

3. 기후=17,19,1

4. 인구=18,20,1

5. 재정=19,21,1

6. 세정=20,22,1

7. 차량등록현황=21,23,1

8. 건축허가현황=22,24,1

9. 학교현황=23,25,1

10. 전기=24,26,1

11. 상수도=25,27,1

12. 도로현황=26,28,2

13. 하나로 본 시민의 생활상=28,30,3



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