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원문 아이콘이 없는 경우 국회도서관 방문 시 책자로 이용 가능
Part 1. 입법영향분석, 더 좋은 법률을 만드는 필요적 절차 11
Ⅰ. 서론 12
Ⅱ. 입법영향분석의 개요 14
1. 개념 및 유형 14
2. 필요성 16
3. 주요 국가의 입법영향분석 19
Ⅲ. 국회의 입법영향분석 도입 21
1. 배경 21
2. 국회법 개정 추진 21
3. 국회입법조사처의 입법영향분석사업단 설치ㆍ운영 25
Ⅳ. 입법영향분석 경험과 지식의 국제적 공유 30
1. 유엔개발계획(UNDP)과의 협력 30
2. 의회조사기구 국제세미나 32
Ⅴ. 결론 34
Part 2. Legislative Impact Analysis in the National Assembly of Korea 35
Ⅰ. Introduction 36
Ⅱ. Overview of LIA 37
1. Definition 37
2. Similar but Distinct Procedures 38
3. Necessity 38
4. LIA in Other Countries 40
Ⅲ. LIA in the National Assembly of Korea 42
1. Backgrounds 42
2. Attempting to Amend the National Assembly Act 42
3. NARS LIA Task Force Team 46
Ⅳ. Sharing the LIA Experiences with Other Countries 51
Ⅴ. Conclusion 53
Part 3. [Example of LIA Report] Legislative Impact Analysis of Amendment on the Housing Act(Bill No. 2115198) 54
Executive Summary 55
Ⅰ. Subject of Analysis 58
1. Legislative background and purpose 58
2. Content of Analysis 62
Ⅱ. Legislative Impact Analysis 64
1. Key Impact Analysis: Impact analysis on prevention of poor construction 64
2. Impact Analysis by Field 66
A. Political and Administrative Impact Analysis 66
B. Economic and Industrial Impact Analysis 71
C. Social and Cultural Impact Analysis 76
3. Cost & Benefit Analysis 80
Ⅲ. Stakeholder and Expert Opinions 87
1. Target Audience 87
2. Opinions 87
Ⅳ. Similar Cases 89
Ⅴ. Ex-Post Analysis Proposal 91
References 93
판권기 95
[표 1-1] 법안 발의 및 처리 현황 17
[표 1-2] 입법영향분석(사전영향분석)의 기대효과 19
[표 1-3] 입법영향분석에 관한 국회법 개정안의 쟁점별 대안 25
[표 1-4] 입법영향분석서 표준목차 27
[표 1-5] 입법영향분석 시범보고서의 분야별 영향분석 항목(일부 예시) 28
[표 1-6] 제12차 국제세미나의 입법영향분석 관련 발표자 및 주제 33
[표 2-1] Alternatives by Issue of the Amendment to the National Assembly Act on LIA 46
[표 2-2] Standard Table of Contents of LIA Report 49
[표 2-3] Impact Analysis Items by Sector in the LIA (partial examples) 50
[표 2-4] The 12th Seminar Participants and Titles 51
[표 3-1] Legislative Purpose, Measure and Sanction 61
[표 3-2] Comparison Table of New and Old Provisions 63
[표 3-3] Apartment Construction Records for the Past 5 Years 65
[표 3-4] Annual Inter-floor Noise Consultation (Phone and In-person) Status 68
[표 3-5] Inter-floor Noise Dispute and Mediation Status(Multi-Family Housing Management Dispute Meditation Committee) 69
[표 3-6] Inter-floor Noise Dispute and Mediation Status(Environmental Dispute Resolution Committee) 70
[표 3-7] Status of Serious Crimes Due to Inter-floor Noise 71
[표 3-8] Fee Burden for Measuring 10 Households in Accordance with the 'Regulations of Floor Impact Sound Performance Test Fees' 73
[표 3-9] Inter-floor Noise Measurement Status 77
[표 3-10] Confirmation Results of the Reliability of Floor Impact Sound Performance Grades 80
[표 3-11] Details of Costs and Benefits 83
[표 3-12] AHP Analysis Results 85
[표 3-13] AHP Questionnaire for Analysis of Relative Importance of Costs and Benefits 86
[표 3-14] Schedule for Collecting Opinions from Stakeholders and Related Ministries 87
[그림 1-1] 입법영향분석 업무 수행 절차도 29
[그림 1-2] 제12차 국제세미나 전경 32
[그림 3-1] Procedure for Floor Impact Sound Performance Test 60
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