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Part I. Individual Behaviors and Dyadic Relationships:
1. VERUS John Murray, Thomas Chesney and Robert Hoffmann
2. Understanding aggressive and non-aggressive individual behaviors in MMOGs Iftekhar Ahmed, Andrew Pilny and Marshall Scott Poole
3. From good associates to true friends Fanny Anne Ramirez
4. Couples who slay together, stay together Elizabeth Craig, Nicholas Taylor and Sarah Evans
Part II. Groups:
5. Virtual team communication norms John C. Sherblom, Lesley A. Withers, Lynette G. Leonard and Jeffrey S. Smith
6. Toxic allies and caring friends Maude Bonenfant, Laura Iseut Lafrance St-Martin, Felix Pregent and Lucile Cremier
7. Management (im)material Nick Taylor, Suzanne de Castell, Jennifer Jenson and Ryan Hurley
8. Virtual organization and online games Rolf T. Wigand
9. Virtual economic experiments Thomas Chesney, Swee Hoon Chuah, Robert Hoffmann, Wendy Hui and Jeremy Larner
Part III. Understanding Culture with Games:
10. A simulated utopia William Sims Bainbridge
11. Gaming in multicultural classrooms Amanda Paz Alencar and Teresa de la Hera Conde-Pumpido
Part IV. Techniques for Analyzing Game Data:
12. The power of social features in online gaming Fernando Kuipers, Marcus Martens, Ernst van der Hoeven and Alexandru Iosup
13. Profiling in games Rafet Sifa, Anders Drachen and Christian Bauckhage
14. Using massively multiplayer online game data to analyze the dynamics of social interactions Alireza Hajibagheri, Gita Sukthankar, Kiran Lakkaraju, Hamidreza Alvari, Rolf T. Wigand and Nitin Agarwal
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