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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
등록번호 청구기호 권별정보 자료실 이용여부
0003165846 659.1095957 -A25-1 서울관 국가전략정보센터(107호) 이용가능

출판사 책소개

Between the Lines: Early Advertising in Singapore welcomes us to the rush world of early print advertising in Singapore. This comprehensive pictorial collection not only gives us a vivid overview of two centuries' worth of advertising copy and artwork but also acts as a fascinating insight into the shifting social dynamics of Singapore as the nation underwent fundamental change. The book is composed of eight sections, with each taking a deep dive into the advertising of a particular product or service, including hospitality, entertainment, fashion, household and travel. Readers can see how icons like Raffles Hotel and the Adelphi were promoted to discerning travellers of the 1930s, or how postwar homemakers were first targeted by ads for newfangled gadgets like refrigerators and vacuum cleaners. The more than 400 ad images are complemented by insightful commentaries that provide valuable context to the campaigns, helping us understand the minds of both advertiser and consumer, which, by extension, opens a window to the social conditions of Singapore.
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