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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
등록번호 청구기호 권별정보 자료실 이용여부
0003165851 770.92 -A25-1 서울관 국가전략정보센터(107호) 이용가능

출판사 책소개


Shifting Currents: Glimpses of a Changing Nation is the first book to present a significant collection of Kouo Shang-Wei's most arresting images from his lifetime of photography.

Kouo Shang-Wei (1924-1988) was a passionate and talented photographer who was particularly attuned to the passing of time. Over several decades spanning the 1950s to the late 1980s, Kouo's keen eye captured thousands of images of a rapidly changing Singapore, with his viewfinder most often focusing on the evolution of the Singapore River and its immediate environs.

Today, his photographs of the Singapore River, Chinatown, the OCBC Centre, Sungei Road Market, Samsui Women, and more, provide us with a precious record of the fruits and price of modernisation.

The photographs included in this book were carefully curated from the Kouo Shang-Wei Collection in the National Library, Singapore, by art historian, Zhuang Wubin.

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