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Title page
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 4
2. Institutional Setting 8
3. Data 9
4. Model 12
4.1. Overview 12
4.2. Healthcare needs 13
4.3. Out-of-pocket payments and non-medical costs 13
4.4. Preferences 14
4.5. Patient decisions 15
4.6. Discussion 16
5. Identification and estimation 19
5.1. Identification 19
5.2. Estimation 22
6. Results 23
6.1. Parameter estimates 23
6.2. Model fit 25
7. Patient cost-sharing, redistribution, and welfare 27
7.1. Policy options 27
7.2. Overall effects of counterfactual policies 29
7.3. Redistribution between risk groups 32
7.4. Welfare 36
7.5. Robustness 38
8. Conclusion 40
References 42
Online Appendix 45
A. Additional tables and figures 46
B. Technical Details 58
Table 1. Summary statistics 11
Table 2. Parameter estimates 24
Table 3. Effects of counterfactual policies in estimation sample 30
Table 4. Overall effects of counterfactual policies 31
Table 5. Spending by risk score in full sample 33
Table 6. Redistribution between risk groups in full sample 34
Table 7. Welfare in full sample 37
Figure 1. Identification 20
Figure 2. Model fit 26
Figure 3. Policy effects 35
Table A.1. Summary statistics for 10% highest spenders 47
Table A.2. Probability of not going with a healthcare need in estimation sample 52
Table A.3. Spending by risk score in estimation sample 53
Table A.4. Redistribution in estimation sample 55
Table A.5. Welfare in estimation sample 56
Table A.6. OOP by risk score quartile in estimation sample 57
Table A.7. Std. OOP by risk score quartile in estimation sample 57
Figure A.1. Months with more than €500 spending by decile yearly spending 46
Figure A.2. Spending if positive 48
Figure A.3. Probability of any spending 49
Figure A.4. Probability of any spending if spending in t - 1 50
Figure A.5. Intensive margin fit 51
Figure A.6. Spending changes across different donut hole contracts 54
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