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Title page
Executive summary 7
1. Introduction 13
2. Literature review and methodology 14
3. Themes 18
3.1. International cooperation 18
3.2. National measures 20
3.3. Sectoral robustness 23
3.4. Enablers 28
3.5. Climate adaptation efforts 32
4. Overall analysis 35
Annexure I 39
Acronyms 45
References 47
The authors 51
Table 1. Existing climate-related indexes and trackers 15
Table 2. Categories of the thematic scores 18
Figure 1. Categories and themes of the Climate Accountability Matrix 17
Figure 2. Overview of international cooperation and metrics for assessment 19
Figure 3. G20 member countries performance: International cooperation 19
Figure 4. International cooperation: Performance report 20
Figure 5. Overview of national measures and metrics for assessment 21
Figure 6. G20 member countries performance: National measures 22
Figure 7. National measures: Performance report 22
Figure 8. Overview of sectoral robustness and metrics for assessment 24
Figure 9. G20 member countries performance: Sectoral robustness 26
Figure 10. Sectoral robustness: Performance report 27
Figure 11. Overview of enablers and metrics for assessment 29
Figure 12. G20 member countriesT purekeryformance: Enablers 30
Figure 13. Enablers: Performance report 31
Figure 14. Overview of climate adaptation efforts and metrics of assessment 33
Figure 15. G20 member countries' performance: Climate adaptation efforts 33
Figure 16. Climate adaptation efforts: Performance report 34
Figure 17. Performance outcome of the G20 countries 35
Figure 18. G20 member countries: Thematic performance report 36
Annexure Tables
Table A1. Details of indicators 39
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