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검색결과 (전체 1건)


칼 오르프 교수법을 활용한 주의력 집중 및 대인관계 향상 음악 프로그램 개발 : ADHD 학생 대상 프로그램을 중심으로 / 최연주 인기도
대전 : 충남대학교 교육대학원, 2019.8
TM 780.7 -19-197
ii, 52 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 충남대학교 교육대학원, 음악교육전공, 2019.8. 지도교수: 전정임




I. 서론 6

1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 6

2. 연구의 내용과 방법 8

II. ADHD의 개관 9

1. ADHD의 개념과 역사 9

2. ADHD의 원인 10

3. ADHD의 특성과 증상 12

4. ADHD의 진단기준 14

III. 칼 오르프 16

1. 칼 오르프의 생애와 작품 활동 16

2. 칼 오르프의 교육철학과 교수법 17

1) 칼 오르프의 교육철학 17

2) 칼 오르프의 교수적 요소 18

3) 칼 오르프가 활용한 음악적 요소 21

4) 칼 오르프의 지도 방법 22

3. 칼 오르프 교수법과 ADHD 아동 음악교육 25

IV. 칼 오르프 교수법을 활용한 ADHD 아동을 위한 수업 지도안 28

1. 수업 지도안 개요 28

2. 차시별 수업 지도안 30

V. 결론 51

참고문헌 53


[표 1] DSM-V ADHD 진단기준 14

[표 2] 모방의 종류 18

[표 3] 1차시 수업 지도안 30

[표 4] 2차시 수업 지도안 38

[표 5] 3차시 수업 지도안 42

[표 6] 4차시 수업 지도안 45

[표 7] 5차시 수업 지도안 48

[악보 1] 리듬학습 중 말리듬 연주 예시 22

[악보 2] 불규칙적인 리듬의 선율 짓기의 예시 23

초록보기 더보기

 In our contemporary society, students live in an excessive competition culture for college entrance or employment, and thus, their psychological stress and anxiety levels are very high. Hence, students are subject to various psychological and emotional diseases, and their most typical disease is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD, a disease contracting the juveniles much, is a type of the diseases, characterized by the deficiency of attention and the impulsive behaviors. Since such psychological and emotional diseases are not well treated, they are serious problems in the education of the youth.

This study suggested an effective music class guide for the ADHD students based on Carl Orff's pedagogics. The results of this study aimed at solving the ADHD students' problems can be concluded as follows;

First, the small group activities in the music class had the positive effects on the improvement of students' difficulty in their human relationship. The detailed activities of the music class were guided per small group, and students were guided to interact with each others towards their common and final goal or a musical play.

Secondly, the activity combining the music and the body for an impromptu expression had a positive effect on improving students' attention. Namely, not a single activity but the combination of music and physical expression would help students to keep their concentration. Furthermore, as the students were allowed to express impromptu, they could appreciate diverse and creative physical expressions, and thus, their interest in music could be aroused.

Thirdly, students were allowed to emulate teachers' musical expressions, and thereby, their excessive or impulsive behaviors could be alleviated. The free expressions were effective, but it would be better if the teacher should demonstrate the behaviors for the students to emulate them, the students' impulsive behaviors would be relieved much with their concentration maintained.

Since the activities suggested by the teaching guide would well be applied to the music class, they would be useful to future studies about musical activities engaging physical expressions and cooperative learning. Lastly, it is hoped that this study would be followed up by future studies that would improve not only ADHD students' problems in their human relationship but also their other problems and thereby, help them to be adapted well to their school life.


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