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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Green digital transformation : how to sustainably close the digital divide and harness digital tools for climate action / World Bank Group. 인기도
Washington, DC : World Bank Group, 2023.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF
Climate change and development series
ISBN: 9781464820021
Advance edition.


Title page


Acknowledgments 11

Main Messages 13

Executive Summary 15

Abbreviations 26

1. The Digital-Climate Nexus 29

Introduction 29

The Digital-Climate Policy Nexus 31

Digitalization, Economic Development, and Climate Change 40

Conceptual Framework: Untangling the Relationship between Digitalization and Climate Change 42

Notes 48

References 49

2. Decarbonizing the Digital Sector 52

Introduction 52

The ICT Sector's Contribution to Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Baseline and Forecasts 52

Expanding the Use of Renewable Energy and Using Energy More Efficiently 76

A Comprehensive Sectoral Approach 91

Constraints on and Opportunities for Green Digital in LMICs 92

Notes 99

References 103

3. Making the Digital Sector More Resilient 108

Introduction 108

Protecting Networks 108

Protecting Data Infrastructure 114

Notes 117

References 117

4. Digital Technologies for Mitigation 118

Introduction 118

Energy 118

Transportation 122

Agrifood System 124

Urban Centers 126

Challenges to Adoption of Digital Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation 128

Notes 130

References 130

5. Digital Technologies for Resilience 135

Introduction 135

Enhancing the Capacity to Adapt to Gradual Climate Impacts 136

Managing Climate Shocks with Digital Technologies 139

Challenges to Adoption of Digital Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation 142

Notes 144

References 144

6. Policy Recommendations: Coordinated Action for Green Digitalization 147

The Key Principles of Green Digitalization 147

Greening along the Digital Value Chain 151

Data and Applications 153

Appendix. Nationally Determined Contributions 157

Table 1.1. Examples of Green Digital Policy Types (Nonexhaustive) 38

Table 2.1. Mobile Sites and Quality of Power Solutions: Global Distribution, 2019 63

Table 2.2. Global Distribution of GHG Emissions from Diesel Generators Powering Mobile Sites, 2020 64

Table 2.3. Mobile Sites and Power Solutions: Global Distribution by 2030 65

Table 2.4. Top 10 Region-to-Region International Bandwidth Routes, 2020 and 2027 70

Table 2.5. GHG Emissions, Consumer Device Hardware Companies, 2020 72

Table 2.6. Mobile Phones and Smartphones: Global Distribution, 2020 and 2025 73

Table 3.1. Extreme Weather or Climate Change Risks to Data Infrastructure 115

Table 5.1. Examples of Links between Digitalization and Adaptation 136

Table 6.1. Actions to Be Pursued by Stakeholders along the Digital Value Chain 155

Figure ES.1. The Green-Digital Nexus 16

Figure ES.2. Mentions of Technology in Mitigation and Adaptation Provisions of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 17

Figure ES.3. Emissions from Subsectors of the ICT Sector 18

Figure 1.1. National Pledges to Reduce Emissions, by Target Year 33

Figure 1.2. Mentions of Technology in Mitigation and Adaptation Provisions of NDCs, by Country Income Group 34

Figure 1.3. Conceptual Framework for Relationship between Digitalization and Climate Change 43

Figure 1.4. Levels of Digitalization, by Country Income Group and Region 47

Figure 2.1. Energy Consumption Estimates 2010-15 (left) and Carbon Footprint Estimates 2010-15 and Forecasts 2020 (right), ICT Sector 56

Figure 2.2. Carbon Footprint Estimates (2007-17) and Forecasts (2018-20), ICT Sector 57

Figure 2.3. Changes in ICT Sector Scope 1 and 2 Emissions and Electricity Use, 2018-20 57

Figure 2.4. ICT Carbon Footprint as a Percentage of Total GHG Emissions Projected through 2040 Using Exponential and Linear Fits 58

Figure 2.5. ICT Sector Carbon Footprint Baseline, 2015-20, and Forecasts, 2025-30 (Including Electricity Supply Chain and Grid Losses) 59

Figure 2.6. Relative GHG Emissions of the ICT Sector, by Main Component 60

Figure 2.7. Relative Contributions of Components of ICT Sector, 2010 and 2020 60

Figure 2.8. Relative Contributions of Components of ICT Sector 61

Figure 2.9. Estimated Breakdown of Towers by Grid Condition: Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017 64

Figure 2.10. Data Center Energy Use, Magnitude and Trends 67

Figure 2.11. Data Centers Compute Instances and Energy Usage, by Region 68

Figure 2.12. Global Distribution of Large Data Centers and Data Centers' Investment in Information Technology (IT), 2019 69

Figure 2.13. Forecast of Revenue Market Share of Regional Data Centers, 2023 70

Figure 2.14. Life-Cycle GHG Emissions of an Apple iPhone 71

Figure 2.15. Sustainable Initiatives Noted by Mobile Operators in Europe 77

Figure 2.16. Total Cellular Site CO2 Emissions over 2020-30, by Infrastructure Sharing Strategy and Country Income Group 79

Figure 2.17. Financial Cost of Universal Broadband, by Technology, 2023-30 80

Figure 2.18. Cumulative Cellular Site Emissions, by Technology, 2023-30 80

Figure 2.19. Assessment of the Impacts of Off-Grid Renewable Power Strategies for Universal Broadband Options, by Emissions Type, Colombia 82

Figure 2.20. Technical Strategies to Decarbonize the ICT Sector 92

Figure 2.21. Access to Electricity Compared with Grid Emissions Factor, Selected Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2020 94

Figure 2.22. RISE Renewable Energy Pillar Scores, 2019 95

Figure 3.1. Examples of Natural Hazard Risks to Digital Infrastructure 109

Figure 3.2. Mobile Infrastructure Vulnerable to Coastal Flooding 110

Figure 3.3. Mobile Infrastructure Vulnerable to Tropical Cyclones 111

Figure 4.1. Emissions Profiles of Four Sectors: Energy, Transportation, Agrifood, and Urban Centers 119


Map 1.1. Areas Susceptible to Flood Hazards 40

Map 1.2. Mobile Network Coverage 41

Map 3.1. Mobile Infrastructure Assets at Risk in Ghana 112

Map 5.1. Landslide Hazard Areas of Malawi Not Covered by 2G and 3G Mobile Networks and Occupied by Bottom 40 Percent of Wealth Index 143

Map 5.2. Riverine Flooding Areas of Ghana Not Covered by 2G and 4G Mobile Networks and Occupied by Bottom 40 Percent of Wealth Index 144


Box 1.1. Rwanda's National Strategy for Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Strategy 34

Box 1.2. Maldives's Plans to Incorporate Digital Technologies in Adaptation and Mitigation 35

Box 1.3. Integration of Policies for Digital and Green Transition in Nordic and Baltic Countries 36

Box 1.4. Ministerial Declaration on a Green and Digital Transformation of the EU 39

Box 2.1. Methodological Considerations for Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the ICT Sector 53

Box 2.2. Ecoratings and Ecolabeling of Devices 89

Box 2.3. E-waste Management in Low- and Middle-Income Countries 90

Box 2.4. The Republic of Korea's Multipronged Approach to Green Digital 93

Box 2.5. Examples of Government and Corporate Efforts to Expand the Use of Renewable Electricity 96

Box 2.6. The Private Sector: Moving to Meet Its Climate Change Goals 98

Box 4.1. Contributions of Selected Digital Technologies to Mitigation Efforts 119

Box 5.1. East Africa's Index-Based Insurance 137

Box 5.2. Lisbon's Digital Twin for Flood Resilience 141

Box 5.3. Digitally Enhanced Flood Management 141

Box Figures

Figure B1.3.1. Overview of National Policies by Policy Area and Degree of Digital and Green Integration 37

Figure B2.1.1. Overview of GHG Protocol Scopes and Emissions across the Value Chain 54

Figure B2.3.1. E-waste Management by Region 90

Figure B2.4.1. Key Measures for Greening the ICT Sector in the Republic of Korea 93

Table A.1. Number of Countries and Economies in Analysis, by Income Level 157

Table A.2. Countries and Economies Included in Analysis, by Country or Economy Income Group 157

Table A.3. Classification of General Technologies Considered in Analysis, by Mitigation and Adaptation 159

Table A.4. Classification of Digital Technologies Considered in Analysis, by Adaptation and Mitigation 160

Table A.5. Number of Mentions of Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies(General and Digital) in Nationally Determined Contributions and Percentage... 160

Table A.6. General and Digital Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies Mentioned in Nationally Determined Contributions, by Country Income Level 161

Table A.7. Priority Sectors for Mitigation and Adaptation, by Country Income Group 161

  • 출판사 책소개 (알라딘 제공)

    Climate change is unfolding amid the greatest information and communication revolution in human history. From e-commerce and social media to smart manufacturing and precision farming, digital technologies have become prevalent in all aspects of economic and social life.

    Digital technologies also have the potential to shape climate change action. Green digital transformation can help countries adapt e?ffectively to the impacts of climate change and create greener growth pathways.

    Doing this means combining a focus on digital transformation and inclusion with a strategic and sustainable use of digital technologies to address climate change.

    Green Digital Transformation: How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action illuminates the channels through which digital technologies intersect with climate change, and it proposes a path to low-emissions applications of digital technologies to help countries mitigate and adapt to climate change.



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