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검색결과 (전체 1건)


World intellectual property report : making innovation policy work for development / World Intellectual Property Organization. 인기도
Geneva : World Intellectual Property Organization, 2024.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF
ISBN: 9789280536164
ISBN: 9789280536171


Title page


Foreword 8

Acknowledgments 10

Executive summary: Making innovation policy work for development 12

1. Economic development, economic complexity and industrial policy 19

Introduction 19

Understanding relatedness and economic complexity 20

The game of Scrabble as a metaphor 21

Further implications of the Scrabble metaphor 22

Labor mobility leading to knowledge transfer 23

Policies to promote industrial development 24

A new era of industrial policies 28

Notes 30

2. Innovation capabilities as a guide for successful policy design 32

Introduction 32

Defining innovation capabilities 33

The innovation path 34

How can we measure innovation capabilities? 35

Why do economies specialize? 37

Distribution of capabilities around the world 40

Are all innovation capabilities equally important? 44

The complexity concept 45

The complexity spectrum 48

Why should an innovation ecosystem care about innovation complexity? 51

Leveraging capabilities to catch up 55

Related and unrelated capabilities 56

Looking for opportunities using relatedness and complexity metrics 59

Smart specialization 60

Fulfilled opportunities and untapped potential 61

Conclusion: the key to successful development 63

Notes 65

3. The importance of local capabilities in AgTech specialization 68

Introduction 68

Preparing the ground: importance of soil and context 70

AgTech evolution is hub dependent 72

Sowing the seeds: how public support propels AgTech development 77

Bearing fruits: when appropriability conditions, local capabilities and market opportunities drive the path 80

Conclusion 86

Notes 88

4. The evolution of the motorcycle industry from golden age to green revolution 91

Introduction 91

Born from bikes: how the motorcycle industry emerged from related industries 92

Riding in tandem: motorcycles and the automotive industry's evolution 93

Revving up the past: how national tech capabilities shaped the two-wheeler industry 93

Greener twists and turns: electrification on two and three wheels 100

From gears to gigawatts: how electrification is shifting motorcycle complexity 101

Conclusion: the changing landscape of the industry 102

Notes 105

5. Leveraging local know-how to develop video game hubs 107

Introduction 107

Not just a game: the nature of the video game industry 108

Multi-players: economic complexity and relatedness in the video game industry 109

Global Gamedev: four case studies 111

Controllers and creators: industrial policy in video game hubs 120

Conclusion: how industry hubs can foster growth and competitiveness 122

Notes 124

Technical notes 126

Country income groups 126

Scientific publication data 126

Trademark data 126

Patent data 126

Video game publishing data 127

International trade data 127

Mapping strategies 127

Acronyms 129

Bibliography 131

Table 4.1. The top 10 most frequent IPC classes for Japanese origin motorcycle patents, 1980-1990 96

Figure 1. Exporters of selected products in 2021 12

Figure 2. Millions of records used to map innovation capabilities in the World Intellectual Property Report 2024 13

Figure 3. Share of innovative outputs vs. GDP share, 2001-2020 13

Figure 4. Motorcycle firms have built on capabilities to specialize over time 14

Figure 5. Share of scientific and technological capabilities, Republic of Korea and India, 2001-2020 14

Figure 6. Republic of Korea and Egypt's innovation capabilities, 2017-2020 15

Figure 7. Share of capabilities in the top 100 complex fields, 2017-2020 16

Figure 8. The agriculture sector has sourced in new know-how that builds on existing capabilities 17

Figure 9. Video game capabilities developed from different pre-existing artistic capabilities 17

Figure 1.1. Exporters of selected products in 2021 20

Figure 1.2. Exported products clustered and connected based on common related capabilities 21

Figure 2.1. Share of innovation outputs vs. GDP share, 2017-2020 36

Figure 2.2. World shares of 626 scientific, technological and product fields, 2017-2020 37

Figure 2.3. Share of innovation outputs vs. relative comparative advantage, by country and capability, 2001-2020 38

Figure 2.4. Number of specialized capabilities by dimension, selected countries, 2001-2020 41

Figure 2.5. Percentage of countries specialized in given capability group, 2001-2004 and 2017-2020 42

Figure 2.6. Proximity map based on the capabilities co-occurrence of 626 scientific, technological and product fields, 2017-2020, grouped in 4 clusters 44

Figure 2.7a. Diversity vs. ubiquity, by country 45

Figure 2.7b. Diversity vs. ubiquity, by capability 46

Figure 2.8. Innovation capabilities ranked by complexity, grouped by domains 47

Figure 2.9. Republic of Korea and Egypt's innovation capabilities ranked by complexity, grouped by domains, 2017-2020 49

Figure 2.10. Complexity vs. GDP per capita, South America and South-eastern Asia, 2017-2020 53

Figure 2.11. Number of specialized top 50 complex capabilities by dimension, selected countries, 2001-2020 54

Figure 2.12. Proximity based on country co-occurrence of 626 scientific, technological and product fields, 2001-2020 56

Figure 2.13. Australia, Plurinational State of Bolivia and China mapped in the innovation capability space 57

Figure 2.14. Comparison of two capability strategies: maximum relatedness vs minimum time 58

Figure 2.15. Singapore's complexity and relatedness metrics for specialized and not specialized capabilities, 2001-2004 and 2017-2020 61

Figure 2.16. Canada and Colombia estimated number of patents based on scientific publications, 2001-2020 62

Figure 3.1. The diversification of the traditional sugarcane industry in Brazil 69

Figure 3.2. Total number of applications filed under patent, utility model, and plant varieties equivalent protection systems, 2000-2021 71

Figure 3.3. Total number of applications filed through the patent, plant patent, and plant varieties equivalent protection systems in the United States, 2000-2021 73

Figure 3.4. Total number of applications filed through the patent, utility model and plant varieties' protection systems, 2000-2021 75

Figure 3.5. Total number of applications filed through the patent, utility models, and plant varieties protection systems, 2000-2021 77

Figure 3.6. Agricultural R&D spending (in billions 2011 PPP) by the public and private by country income-levels, 1990, 2000 and 2004 78

Figure 3.7. Innovation capabilities of Kenya, Brazil and the United States, 2004 and 2020 81

Figure 3.8. Innovation capabilities in the AgTech sector for Kenya, Brazil and the United States 2004 and 2020 82

Figure 3.9. Innovation capabilities of AgTech and other sectors in the United States, 2004 and 2020 83

Figure 3.10. Innovation capabilities of AgTech and other sectors in Brazil, 2004 and 2020 84

Figure 3.11. Innovation capabilities of AgTech and other sectors in Kenya, 2004 and 2020 85

Figure 4.1. Origins of selected Japanese and Italian motorcycle firms, 1930-1960 93

Figure 4.2. Motorcycle-related patent filings by the top 15 origins, 1970-2021 94

Figure 4.3. Top 15 exporters of motorcycles by average annual value in USD billion, 2017-2022 94

Figure 4.4. Top 10 Nice classes filed by Ducati and Piaggio & C. SpA 98

Figure 4.5. Comparison of India's technological capabilities between 2004 and 2020 100

Figure 4.6. Share of e-cycle trade in global motorcycle trade, 2017-2022 100

Figure 4.7. Counts of international patent families for electric and ICE motorcycles, 1970-2020 101

Figure 4.8. Complexity scale for production and technological capabilities in the motorcycle industry, 2000-2020 101

Figure 5.1. Share of game developers around the world 108

Figure 5.2. Team size per game, 1950-2017 109

Figure 5.3. All video game patents, 1980-2021 110

Figure 5.4. Unique jobs roles per game, 1950-2017 110

Figure 5.5. Top patent filing countries of origin and destination 113

Figure 5.6. Flows of video game contributors switching platforms, 1950-2018 116

Figure 5.7. Top 5 Nice classes of video game-related trademarks, 1980-2022 119

Figure 5.8. Share of the top 5 Nice classes for video game-related trademarks, 1980-2022 120


Box 1.1. How patent landscapes offer insights for innovation stakeholders 27

Box 2.1. International innovation-related data for global comparison 35

Box 2.2. Basic definitions of relatedness plus complexity indicators and metrics 51

Box 3.1. Defining AgTech 70

Box 3.2. IP instruments protecting AgTech inventions 72

Box 5.1. IP is important in video games 119

  • 출판사 책소개 (알라딘 제공)

    Combining economic analysis with in-depth industry studies, the 2024 edition of the World Intellectual Property Report introduces a new data-driven methodology designed to help policymakers make informed decisions by leveraging existing local innovation capabilities and strengthen their national innovation ecosystems. Complementing this framework are three case studies across the agriculture technology, motorcycle and video game industries, spanning eight different countries. These studies demonstrate how countries have successfully carved out specialized trajectories within innovative and complex industries.



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