국회도서관 서비스 이용에 대한 안내를 해드립니다.
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Title page
Overview 6
Digitalisation in the European Union 7
The EIB Corporate Digitalisation Index 11
Role of the environment: digital infrastructure and digital skills 14
Where does the European Union stand relative to the United States in digital adoption? 19
The role of digitalisation during COVID-19 24
Digitalisation, intangible investment, innovation and firm productivity 28
Digitalisation, employment and management 32
Digitalisation and climate change 36
Policy recommendations 38
References 41
Austria (AT) 43
Belgium (BE) 44
Bulgaria (BG) 45
Croatia (HR) 46
Cyprus (CY) 47
Czech Republic (CZ) 48
Denmark (DK) 49
Estonia (EE) 50
Finland (FI) 51
France (FR) 52
Greece (EL) 54
Hungary (HU) 55
Ireland (IE) 56
Italy (IT) 57
Latvia (LV) 58
Lithuania (LT) 59
Luxembourg (LU) 60
Malta (MT) 61
Netherlands (NL) 62
Poland (PL) 63
Portugal (PT) 64
Romania (RO) 65
Slovakia (SK) 66
Slovenia (SI) 67
Spain (ES) 68
Sweden (SE) 69
Appendix: The EIB Corporate Digitalisation Index 70
Appendix: Comparing EIBIS to other data sources 71
Box 1. Digital technologies in the EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS) 10
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