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Title page
Summary 2
Unemployment Compensation Program 5
UC Financing 6
Extended Benefit Program 7
Extended Benefit Triggers 7
EB Eligibility and Benefit Amount 8
EB Financing 8
Temporary COVID-19 Pandemic UI Programs (Expired) 9
Lost Wages Assistance 10
Unemployment Insurance Benefits and the Sequester 10
FY2023 Sequester of Unemployment Insurance Benefits 11
State UC Loans and Solvency Concerns 11
Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments 12
Recent Change in Methodology for RESEA Outcome Payments 13
President's Budget Proposal for FY2024 13
Proposed UI Program Administrative Funding 14
Proposed Program Integrity Legislation 14
Legislative Proposals in the 118th Congress 15
UI Integrity Proposals 15
H.R. 1163 and S. 1587 16
S. 1018 17
Changes to UI Funding 17
H.R. 1930 and H.R. 1931 17
H.R. 2811 17
Railroad UI (RRUI) Sequestration Exemption 18
Author Information 18
Disclaimer 18
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