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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Education and innovation for the digital and green transitions : how higher education can support effective curricula in schools / authored by François Staring. 인기도
Paris : OECD, 2023.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF
OECD education policy perspectives ; no. 81


Title page


1. Introduction 3

Building competencies to support innovation for the digital and green transitions in schools 3

Higher education can support schools to integrate competencies for innovation into curricula 4

2. What challenges do schools face to integrate competencies for innovation into their curricula? 5

Competencies for innovation are mainly integrated as cross-curricular themes in written curricula, rather than in individual school subjects 5

School educators involved in curriculum update often lack curriculum design expertise 7

Many school curricula fail to equitably support learners to develop the competencies needed to shape - and adapt to - innovation for the digital and green transitions 8

3. How do HEIs support the integration of competencies for innovation into school curricula? 11

HEIs support school curriculum development through six key mechanisms 11

Supporting development of curriculum frameworks and teaching materials 12

Development of teaching and learning methods to support competencies for innovation 18

Enriching school curricula to accelerate the development of competencies for innovation 26

4. Conclusions and options for further policy and practice development 35

Countries face challenges to integrate competencies for innovation into school curricula 35

Options to strengthen higher education's role in supporting effective school curricula 36

References 39

Annexes: Qualitative evidence underpinning the development of the report 56

Notes 60

Table 1. Students' readiness to shape and absorb innovations for the digital and green transitions: key findings from OECD and PISA datasets 9

Table 2. How can HEIs support the integration of competencies for innovation into school curricula? 11

Table 3. Agenda international online knowledge exchange on 18 April 2023 56

Table 4. Key messages from EIPC network on how higher education can support schools 58

Table 5. Key messages from EIPC network on the added value of higher education support 59

Table 6. Key messages from EIPC network on key considerations for policy makers and practitioners 60


Box 1. Foundational competencies to support innovation for the digital and green transitions 4

Box 2. Scientific Curriculum Commission in the Netherlands 14

Box 3. Support for science-based open schooling, University of Oslo (Norway) 19

Box 4. Support for the implementation of service learning on environmental sustainability 26

Box 5. School-University Partnership Initiative (2013-17), United Kingdom 31

Box 6. Three types of dual enrolment programmes 32

Box 7. STEM Passport for Inclusion, Maynooth University (Ireland) 33

Box 8. Raise the Bar: Unlocking Career Success, United States 34


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