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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Guide for safe speeds : managing traffic speeds to save lives and improve livability / Blair M. Turner [and four others]. 인기도
Washington, DC : World Bank Group : World Resources Institute, 2024.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF


Title page


Preface 3

Acknowledgements 4

Executive summary 5

Abbreviations 10

Glossary 11

Introduction 16

1. Why implementing speed management is important 19

1.1. Background 20

1.2. The road safety benefits of managing speed 24

1.3. The broader benefits of lowering speed limits 29

2. Principles for setting safe speed limits under the Roads-for-Life (R4L) framework 35

2.1. Basic concept of the Roads-for-Life framework and methodology 41

2.2. Roads-for-Life framework for urban roads or road sections 43

2.3. Roads-for-Life framework for rural roads or road sections 47

3. How to implement safe speeds 51

3.1. Developing a speed management strategy 53

3.2. Implementing safe speed limits based on the Roads-for-Life framework 68

4. What interventions can be used to support safe speeds 75

4.1. Land use planning 76

4.2. Road infrastructure 81

4.3. Policing, deterrence and penalties 90

4.4. Vehicle technology 93

4.5. Education and communication 95

4.6. Special concerns to consider when selecting interventions 98

Key takeaways 105

Appendix A: Speed management interventions 107

Appendix B: Key resources 128

Image credit 136

Table 1. Safe System survivable impact speeds for different crash scenarios 27

Table 2. Setting speed limits based on traditional functional road classification (left) versus setting speed limits based on the Roads-for-Life framework (right) 39

Table 3. Road design and layout characteristics influencing driving speeds 82

Table 4. Infrastructure interventions to support desired safe speed limits 85

Figure 1. Major contents of this guide 18

Figure 2. The principles, core elements, and action areas of the Safe System approach 22

Figure 3. Influence of speed on the driver's field of vision, stopping distance, and road safety. As speeds increase, the field of vision narrows, which increases... 25

Figure 4. Relationship between speed and crash outcome 26

Figure 5. Environmental and health benefits of lowering speeds. As roads become safer as a result of better design, reduced vehicle numbers and speed,... 30

Figure 6. Principles for selecting safe speed limits. All speed limit setting activities should be guided by all of these principles to ensure safety and credibility 37

Figure 7. Roads-for-Life framework for selecting safe speed limits for urban roads or road sections. This figure includes a matrix of introduced urban road... 44

Figure 8. Roads-for-Life framework for selecting safe speed limits for rural roads or road sections. This figure includes a matrix of introduced rural road... 48

Figure 9. Speed management process showing the major steps and the potential links between them. The selection of speed limits can be part of a full... 52

Figure 10. Developing and implementing a speed management strategy 54

Figure 11. Speed limit setting process 69

Figure 12. Density and land use in Vitoria-Gasteiz allowing short walking and cycling trips to the center 80

Figure 13. Typical examples of roadwork zones 104


Box 2.1. How the Netherlands led the way to a safe and sustainable road network 40

Box 2.2. Why speed limits should not be set based on the 85th percentile 41

Box 2.3. Speed management for motorcycles in urban areas 47

Box 3.1. A national vision for safer, healthier, more sustainable and livable cities in Spain 53

Box 3.2. How general speed limits influence speed management 57

Box 3.3. How Chile's civil society impacted the implementation of the "modes coexistence law" 59

Box 3.4. Shifting public opinion on lower speeds in rural France 60

Box 3.5. How political leadership changed the speed culture in Paris 62

Box 3.6. The effects of lowering speed limits in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 63

Box 3.7. How speed management action plans support the success of speed management strategies 65

Box 3.8. Managing speed in Bogotá, Colombia 67

Box 3.9. Fast tracking safe speed limits in cities 69

Box 3.10. How to measure success 74

Box 4.1. How land use affects road safety outcomes 77

Box 4.2. Case study on land use planning in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 80

Box 4.3. Case study on using infrastructure interventions to create self-explaining speed environments in Auckland, New Zealand 89

Box 4.4. Case study on benefits of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) in Europe 95

Box 4.5. Case study on local campaigning for lower speeds in cities, towns, and villages 98

Box 4.6. How to safely integrate micro-mobility devices in urban transport 100


Myth 1. Speed is not a significant cause of road crashes; poor drivers are 21

Myth 2. With modern vehicle technologies, people can safely drive faster 23

Myth 3. Increasing speeds only by a minimal amount (e.g., 5 kph) cannot negatively affect the crash outcome 28

Myth 4. Lowering the speed limits will increase congestion 31

Myth 5. Lowering the speed limits will negatively impact the economy 33

Myth 6. The public wants higher speed limits 61

Myth 7. Speed limit signs will convince people to drive slower 79

Myth 8. Speed humps and rumble strips are unsafe, damage vehicles and create noise 84

Myth 9. Pedestrian bridges keep pedestrians safe 87

Myth 10. Speed enforcement is not for road safety but to generate money for the government or police 94

Myth 11. Only education and training will change behaviour and solve the speed problem 97

Myth 12. Mass-media campaigns with TV spots are highly effective in changing driver behaviour 99


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