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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Pre-LBO credit market conditions and post-LBO target behavior / Seung Kwak and Charles Press. 인기도
Washington, DC : Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2023.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF
Finance and economics discussion series ; 2023-077
November 30, 2023.


Title page


Abstract 2

1. Introduction 3

2. Data and Sample Description 8

2.1. Data 8

2.2. Summary Statistics for FR Y-14Q sample 13

3. Pre-LBO Credit Market Conditions and post-LBO Target Behavior 15

3.1. Illustrative LBO Example 15

3.2. Pre-LBO Credit Market Conditions and LBO Leverage 18

3.3. Post-buyout Changes of Financial Variables 21

3.4. Pre-LBO Trend Tests 29

3.5. Do Post-LBO Business Conditions Drive the Results? 34

4. Do Agency Costs of Debt Explain the Results? 36

4.1. Agency Costs of Debt: Bank-Assigned Probability of Default 37

4.2. Risk Shifting versus Debt Overhang: Evidence from Covenants 43

5. Conclusions 48

References 50

Appendix A. Institutional Details and Data Processing 67

Appendix B. Measure of Credit Market Conditions 76

Appendix C. Proof and Additional Results 91

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the FR Y-14Q Sample 55

Table 2. Regression of LBO Transaction Leverage on the Level and Change of the HY OAS 56

Table 3. Regression of the LBO Transaction Leverage Decomposition on the Level and Change of the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread 57

Table 4. Regression of LBO Transaction Leverage on the Level and Change of the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread between Signing and Close 58

Table 5. Regression of the Changes of Financial Variables after LBOs on the 6-month Change of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Targets Only 59

Table 6. Regression of the Changes of Financial Variables after LBOs on the 6-month Change of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Targets and... 60

Table 7. Pre- and Post-buyout Trends: Sensitivity of Difference of Performance Variables between the LBO Targets and non-LBO Control Firms, Relative to... 62

Table 8. Regression of the Changes of Post-LBO Target Performance Variables on the Pre-LBO 6-month Change of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread and... 63

Table 9. Regression of the Pre-Post LBO Change of Log of Probability of Default Assigned by Banks on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread 64

Table 10. Regression of the Strictness of Financial Covenants for LBO Loan Deals on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Deals and Control Deals 65

Table 11. Regression of Post-LBO Covenant Compliance on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Deals and Control Deals 66

Figure 1. Example - Staples, Inc. LBO Timeline and Stock Prices 53

Figure 2. Univariate Regression Coefficient of log (D/EV) 54

Table A1. Interquartile Range and Correlation of the 3-year Change of Performance Variables 108

Table A2. Correlations of HY OAS (sₜ) 109

Table A3. Regression of LBO Transaction Leverage on the Level and 6-month Change of Alternative Spreads 110

Table A4. Regression of the LBO Transaction Leverage on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread Controlling for Other Rate/Ratio 111

Table A5. Regression of the Changes of Financial Variables after LBOs on the level of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread at LBO Close; LBO Targets and... 112

Table A6. Regression of the Changes of Performance Variables after LBOs on the 4-month Change of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Targets... 114

Table A7. Difference-in-Difference Regression of the Post-LBO Target Performance Variables 115

Table A8. Pre- and Post-buyout Trends: Difference of Performance Variables between the LBO Targets and non-LBO Control Firms, Relative to a Year before LBO 116

Table A9. Pre- and Post-buyout Trends: Sensitivity of Difference of Performance Variables between the LBO Targets and non-LBO Control Firms, Relative to... 117

Table A10. Regression of the Changes of Post-LBO Target Financial Variables on the Level of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread at 6 Months before LBO... 118

Table A11. Regression of the Changes of Post-LBO Target Performance Variables on the Lag and Lead 6-month Changes of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread;... 119

Table A12. Regression of the Shifted Changes of Post-LBO Target Performance Variables on the Lag and Lead 6-month Changes of High-Yield Option-Adjusted... 120

Table A13. Regression of the Changes of Post-LBO Target Performance Variables on the Pre-LBO 6-month Change of Alternative Spreads; LBO Targets and... 121

Table A14. Regression of the Changes of Post-LBO Target Performance Variables on the Pre-LBO 6-month Change of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread... 122

Table A15. Regression of the LBO Change of Log of Probability of Default Assigned by Banks on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; Splitting Periods 123

Table A16. Pre- and Post-buyout Trends: Difference of (log) Default Probability between the LBO Targets and non-LBO Control Firms, Relative to a Year before LBO 124

Table A17. Regression of the LBO Change of Log of Probability of Default Assigned by Banks on the 6-month Change of High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread:... 125

Table A18. Regression of the Strictness of Financial Covenants for LBO Loan Deals on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Deals Only 126

Table A19. Regression of Post-LBO Covenant Compliance on the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread; LBO Deals Only 127

Table A20. Regression of the Variables Related to Target Strategies on the Level and Change of the High-Yield Option-Adjusted Spread 128

Figure A1. Illustration of Simplified Structure of an LBO 103

Figure A2. Illustration of the Timeline of Typical LBOs 104

Figure A3. Level and Change of the HY OAS 105

Figure A4. Public-to-Private LBO Target Stock Return Beta on the Daily Change of the HY OAS 106

Figure A5. Effect of Credit Spreads on the Monthly Rate of LBO Activities and LBO Terminations 107


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