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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Municipal waste management in Serbia : situational analysis / led by Carli Venter. 인기도
Washington, DC : World Bank Group, 2023.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF
May 2023.


Title page


Executive Summary 7

1. Introduction 11

2. Waste Management Legislation, Strategies and Institutions 13

2.1. Waste Management Legislation and the National Waste Management Program 13

2.2. Circular Economy and (Food) Waste Prevention Programs 14

2.3. Local and Regional Waste Management Plans 15

2.4. Institutional Responsibilities at National Level 16

2.5. Responsibilities of LSG Units and Intermunicipal Cooperation 17

2.6. Registration, Permitting and Control 18

2.7. Documentation, Reporting and Data Management 19

2.8. Communication and Public Awareness 19

3. Overview of Municipal Waste Management System 21

3.1. Municipal Waste Quantities and Composition 21

3.2. Waste Collection 24

3.2.1. Residual Waste Collection 24

3.2.2. Separate Waste Collection 26

3.3. Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging and Packaging Waste 27

3.4. Waste Treatment 29

3.4.1. Sorting Installations for Separately Collected Recyclable Waste 29

3.4.2. Management of Biowaste 30

3.4.3. Treatment of Mixed Municipal Waste 32

3.5. Recycling and RDF Processing Capacity 32

3.6. Landfilling of Municipal Waste 33

4. Financing of Waste Management Services 35

4.1. Infrastructure Investment Needs in the NWMP 35

4.2. Municipal financing of solid waste management services and user fees 36

4.3. National Sources of Funding, Framework Conditions and Policies 38

4.4. International financing 40

5. Recommendations 42

6. References 47

7. Appendices 49

Appendix 1: Objectives of the Waste Management Program of the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2022-2031 49

Appendix 2: Planned Infrastructure as per the Waste Management Program of the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2022-2031 51

Table 1. Quantities of packaging placed on the Serbian market 27

Table 2. Total amount of recovered and recycled packaging waste by the operator in 2020 28

Table 3. Sorting facilities for separately collected recyclable waste in Serbia 29

Table 4. List of compliant municipal waste landfills in Serbia and amount of waste disposed 33

Table 5. Investment costs for municipal waste management as per NWMP (in EUR, constant 2021) 35

Table 6. Provisional sources of financing for investment needs in NWMP 36

Table 7. average affordability thresholds in Serbia for household waste tariffs 37

Figure 1. Municipal waste generation in kg per capita and year for selected countries, 2010-2020 21

Figure 2. Municipal waste generation and treatment in thousand tons in Serbia, 2010-2020 22

Figure 3. Composition of municipal waste in 2020 23

Figure 4. Projected amounts of generated municipal waste for Serbia from 2022-2030 23

Figure 5. Projected composition of generated waste for Serbia from 2022 to 2030 24

Figure 6. Percentage of city population with regular solid waste collection 25

Figure 7. International support for environmental programs 41


Box 4.1. City-specific PUC examples: Novi Sad and Leskovac 38

Box 4.2. Case Study Belgrade Vinca PPP 39


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