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검색결과 (전체 1건)


2024 annual report : additional opportunities to reduce fragmentation, overlap, and duplication and achieve billions of dollars in financial benefits / United States Government Accountability Office. 인기도
Washington, DC : U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2024.
Only available full-text DB
research papers
1 online resource : PDF
May 2024.
Report to Congressional Addressees.


Title page


Highlights 2

Letter 7

New Opportunities Exist to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness across the Federal Government 10

Congress and Federal Agencies Continue to Address Matters and Recommendations Identified over the Last 14 Years, Resulting in Significant Benefits 14

Actions Taken by Congress and Federal Agencies Led to Hundreds of Billions in Financial Benefits 15

Other Benefits Resulting from Actions Taken by Congress and Federal Agencies 19

Action on Open Matters and Recommendations Could Yield Additional Benefits 20

Open Duplication and Cost Savings Matters and Recommendations 20

Open Matters and Recommendations to Address Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and with Potential for Financial Benefits 24

Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 30

Assessing the Status of Previously Identified Matters and Recommendations 32

Methodologies for Determining Financial Benefits 34

Appendix II: New Topic Areas in Which GAO Has Identified Fragmentation, Overlap, or Duplication 37

Appendix III: New Topic Areas in Which GAO Has Identified Other Cost Savings or Revenue Enhancement Opportunities 96

Appendix IV: Open Congressional Matters, by Mission 123

Table 1. New Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication Topic Areas Identified in This Report 10

Table 2. New Topic Areas with Cost Savings and Revenue Enhancement Opportunities Identified in This Report 13

Table 3. Status of Duplication and Cost Savings Matters and Recommendations, as of March 2024 15

Table 4. Examples of Financial Benefits Resulting from Actions Taken by Congress and Federal Agencies, as of March 2024 17

Table 5. Examples of Open Topic Areas and Potential Benefits 24

Table 6. Examples of Open Topic Areas with Potential Financial Benefits of $1 Billion or More 26

Table 7. Open Congressional Matters in the Agriculture Mission Area 124

Table 8. Open Congressional Matters in the Defense Mission Area 126

Table 9. Open Congressional Matters in the Economic Development Mission Area 127

Table 10. Open Congressional Matters in the Energy Mission Area 128

Table 11. Open Congressional Matters in the General Government Mission Area 129

Table 12. Open Congressional Matters in the Health Mission Area 135

Table 13. Open Congressional Matters in the Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, or both Mission Area 137

Table 14. Open Congressional Matters in the Income Security Mission Area 139

Table 15. Open Congressional Matters in the Information Technology Mission Area 140

Table 16. Open Congressional Matters in the International Affairs Mission Area 141

Table 17. Open Congressional Matters in the Science and the Environment Mission Area 143

Table 18. Open Congressional Matters in the Social Services Mission Area 144

Table 19. Open Congressional Matters in the Training, Employment, and Education Mission Area 145

Figure 1. Definitions of Fragmentation, Overlap, Duplication, Cost Savings, and Revenue Enhancement 8

Figure 2. Status of Duplication and Cost Savings Matters and Recommendations, as of March 2024 14

Figure 3. Total Financial Benefits of $667.5 Billion Identified in Our 2011-2024 Duplication and Cost Savings Annual Reports 15

Figure 4. Summary of 14 Years of Benefits Achieved by Mission, as of March 2024 16

Figure 5. Number of Open Duplication and Cost Savings Recommendations by Agency, as of March 2024 21

Figure 6. Fiscal Year 2023 Outlays and Number of Open Duplication and Cost Savings Recommendations, by Agency 23

Figure 7. Reciprocity-Related Challenges that Agencies and Contractors Face 49

Figure 8. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Primary Methods for Disseminating Tsunami Alerts to the Public 54

Figure 9. GAO's Assessment of Interagency Committee on Human Nutrition Research Efforts Compared with Leading Practices for Interagency Collaboration 59

Figure 10. Example of a Radioactive Sealed Source That Contains Americium-241 67

Figure 11. Number of Methods Used by 14 Federal Agencies in Sharing Cyber Threat Information 72

Figure 12. Plastic Sheeting between Poultry Workers Standing in Close Proximity 92

Figure 13. Status of Duplication and Cost Savings Congressional Matters, as of March 2024 123


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