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Title page
Abstract 2
1. Introduction 3
2. Data and measurement 6
2.1. Data 6
2.2. Measuring R&D factors 7
3. Decomposing idea growth 7
3.1. Framework 7
3.2. Decomposition 8
3.3. R&D factors without rising research intensity 10
3.4. Discussion 12
4. Implications for growth 12
4.1. Comparative statics across balanced growth paths 12
4.2. Substitution along a constant growth path 13
4.3. Discussion 14
5. Estimating the idea production function elasticity of substitution 14
5.1. Empirical design 14
5.2. Estimation results 16
5.3. Recovering the elasticity of substitution 17
5.4. Discussion 21
6. Conclusion 21
References 23
Appendix 24
A. Theory appendix 24
B. Appendix Figures 28
Table 1. Effect of bonus depreciation on firms' R&D 17
Figure 1. Aggregate trends in R&D factor usage 10
Figure 2. Factor decomposition of idea growth 11
Figure 3. Trends of dependent variables across treatment groups 16
Figure 4. Estimated elasticity of substitution between capital and labor in R&D 19
Figure 5. P-values for elasticity of substitution greater than or equal to 1 20
Figure 6. Estimated elasticity of substitution between capital and labor in R&D, alternate specification 29
Figure 7. P-values for elasticity of substitution greater than or equal to 1, alternate specification 30
Figure 8. Results over expanded domain 31
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