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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


Title page


Key Takeaways 1

What is cryptography and why is it important? 2

What are quantum computers and what threat do they pose to cryptography? 2

What strategies have international entities developed to address the threat of quantum computing? 3

What is the national quantum computing cybersecurity strategy? 4

What are the characteristics of a desirable national strategy? 6

What desirable characteristics does the national quantum computing cybersecurity strategy address? 6

Why have the desirable characteristics for the national quantum computing cybersecurity strategy not been fully addressed? 8

Conclusions 9

Recommendation for Executive Action 9

Agency Comments 9

How GAO Did This Study 9

List of Addressees 11

GAO Contact Information 11

Table 1. Selected Organizations with Significant Influence on International Cyberspace Security and Governance 9

Table 2. Desirable Characteristics of a National Strategy 10

Figure 1. A Simple Illustration of a Public-Key Cryptography Method Used to Protect Data 2

Figure 2. A Simple Application of Hybrid Cryptography on an Information System 3

Figure 3. The Three Central Goals of the U.S. National Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Strategy 4

Figure 4. Central Goals Outlined in the Documents that Comprise the U.S. National Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Strategy 5

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