국회도서관 서비스 이용에 대한 안내를 해드립니다.
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Title page
Executive Summary 2
Introduction 5
What Is Space Launch? 5
Motivation 6
Government Requirements 6
National Security 6
Economic Value 8
History and Legislation 9
Industry and Technology Trends 12
Launch Industry Development 12
Modern Launch Industry Dynamics 18
Challenges and Opportunities 27
Challenge 1: Market Competitiveness 27
Challenge 2: China's Fast Followers 27
Opportunity 1: Strategic Support and Strategic Niches 28
Opportunity 2: Current Advantage into Future Advantage 28
Opportunity 3: In-Space Mobility 29
Recommendations 30
Conclusion 33
Authors 34
Acknowledgments 34
Disclaimer 34
Appendix: Methodology Details 35
Pitchbook Data, Inc. 35
Gunter's Space Page 36
Endnotes 38
Table 1. Selected NASA Authorization and Appropriations Acts 10
Table 2. Selected U.S.-Based Company Launch Failure Rates through 2023 18
Table 3. SpaceX Market Milestones 22
Table 4. Rocket Lab Market Milestones 22
Figure 1. U.S. Launches per Year, 1980-1990 7
Figure 2. U.S. Launches per Year, 1957-2023 12
Figures 3A and 3B. U.S. Launch Company Domestic Market Share (1957-1995) 13
Figure 4. Launch Company Corporate Foundings, Mergers and Acquisitions 15
Figures 5A and 5B. U.S. Launch Company Domestic Market Share (1996-2023) 17
Figure 6. Satellite Companies: Founding Dates and Operating Status 19
Figures 7A and 7B. U.S. Rockets and Payloads Launched, Starlink Breakout 20
Figure 8. Launch Companies: Founding Date and Operating Status 21
Figures 9A and 9B. Launches by Company Nationality: Total and Ratio 24
Figure 10. U.S. Launch Annual Launch Failure Rate 25
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