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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


Title page 1

Contents 4

About the Author 5

Executive Summary 6

Introduction 6

Transparency and Technical Understandings 8

Transparency and International Security Governance 9

Military AI Governance Discussions 10

Transparent AI for the Defence Context 11

Explainability, Understandability and Predictability 11

Transparency and Operational Challenges 12

Toward a Comprehensive Transparency Approach for Military AI 13

External Transparency and Governance Frameworks 15

Conclusion 16

Works Cited 17


International governance discussions on military artificial intelligence (AI) systems often emphasize the need for transparency. However, transparency is a complex and multi-faceted concept, understood in various ways within international debates and literature on the responsible use of AI. It encompasses dimensions such as explainability, interpretability, understandability, predictability and reliability. The degree to which these aspects are reflected in state approaches to ensuring transparent and accountable systems remains unclear and requires further investigation. Additionally, achieving transparency in military AI applications presents several challenges. First, the inherent opacity of the technology can make it difficult to trace and understand decision-making processes. Second, military institutions are more likely to adopt voluntary transparency measures that focus on ensuring operators have a general understanding of system functionality, without fully addressing the nuances of accountability.

Furthermore, disparities in technological capabilities among states suggest uneven testing and training standards, complicating the evaluation of human decision making and accountability. Lastly, given the sensitivity of national defence and international security, military AI systems are expected to remain highly classified, making external evaluation difficult. This paper proposes pathways to overcome these challenges and outlines a framework for comprehensive transparency, which is essential for the responsible use of AI in military contexts.

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